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Posts posted by leaked_version

  1. Honestly that does not really matter.


    It will go top 40 in the UK (which is very important) her first top 40 in THREE YEARS.


    Pop stations (esp capital) will be FORCED to play the song.


    Love missed top 40 by one position thus got no radio support besides radio 1

    How can it go Top40 when it will freefally by tomorrow on iKoons and Spotify? How? 

  2. Did she actually state she was going to release a couple more songs with the pre order? I don't recall her saying that, only mentioning Yosemite


    I thought she said that she's going to release a couple of song until the release of the album just to keep us listening to his music and don't make the wait long

    how about just re-listening the interview then? It's up on YT

  3. Wondering if they actually have a set date for the album, or testing waters to see what they can get away with.

    Rather unlikely.


    It's not an ANTI situation like with Rihanna. Lana has her fanbase and outside of it, there is not enough interest in her since 2014. They most certainly can not scrap the title track and Love was well recieved by fans, however it only sold 100k worldwide so far.


    What's interesting is that on YT her views are decent, the likes for the Love video are her second biggest ever (almost a million likes), yet the song failed to make an impact.

    And LFL is out for like 2 days and is already plummeting everywhere. 


    She is not the type of artist to release stuff and watch how it fares since she is always missing one major promo tool to test reception and that is airplay. 


    I am surprised they have not annouced the release date, yet.

  4. Ooooh also Sean Ono Lennon had a magazine shoot with Nero a couple days ago he tagged Lana in and said " a lot of fun stuff coming up this year"


    First off... Lana wasn't in the shoot and I highly doubt the magazine gave him a spread over one collab.


    I smell a tour together We already know Lana is touring and it would make so much sense to bring Sean on the road with her especially after she said how much she adores him and the song they made together.

    i think you are confusion. lana is the opening act of katy perry's upcoming world tour "the scissor sister"

  5. glad critics are back at slaughtering lana lsf really is btd pt II !

    actually, most reviews are rather positive. 


    aaaaanyways, the kween of discounts strikes again: Lady Gaga's new single is ALREADY DISCOUNTED in the UK, not even a week after it dropped. The way they do anything to keep her career afloat knows no bounds  :lmao: . Therefor she will most likely stay above Lana on iKoons

  6. @leaked and @Mariah will be glad to know Lana is on the cover of the UK's biggest playlist with 1.45 mil followers. However Lust For Life is the 26th song on the list  :toofunny:


    Ok Sweaties, this is how it works: You need to open up this playlist and stream the song. That is important cause it that case, the song jumps up a few places. So it is important to stream the song from out of the playlist. With every place it moves up, the bigger the chances of being more streamed. Makes sense, since most ppl will not stream the entire list!


    So, get to work Lanansters!


    PS: If you are not doing this, you are ugly (probably even uglier than Borde) and stan Halsey.

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