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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. I hope while y'all were fighting with me and others on here (and I surprised that for the first time I actually see more ppl agreeing with me when it comes to exposure) that you were streaming Love on Spotify or Apple Music non stop. Pandora is also welcome
  2. So what was HBTB then? Ultraviolence (the song) wasn't much different in terms of approach. The album was just dead by the time it got released and the video scrapped etc. I am sorry, but y'all are running in circles. But I can agree that Love has something very universal and appealing. But that is not basic. That is actually a sign that you have a hit in your hands if dealt with it the right way.
  3. this is not the defintion of basic if you don't consider Lana's sound as basic. I am really on a roll tonight. I can fight you all.
  4. I think that other songs are very basic compared to Love that get praised to the high heavens on here. And just one more time for ppl who still didn't get the memo: Lana's team is watching this page. They follow reactions. Just imagine having an artist where her biggest fans are not interested in hearing her on the radio and performing on TV. Would you bother to book something for her or to push her when even her own fans are not supporting her?
  5. it is the perfect lead single though. totally her style, accessible, palatable towards a bigger audience. and quite frankly, we need a bigger audience to keeo her doing things that she has been doing for years now. it is impossible without them. and lana knows that. this is all i am saying. we as a fanbase need to buy her shit and stream the hell out of it. when other fanbases do it, why can't we?
  6. you shouldn't bother quoting graham. he is very special.
  7. Lana stans think that high budget videos are not investments and that they pay for themselves.
  8. well, we had the witch thing going on for pages, too
  9. i agree, tbh. Me and the Mariah stan. Let's Make Lana Great Again!
  10. We don't even know her mindset now in terms of tv promo. It's not like the material from UV and HM would have been that easy to present on TV. This ,may change this era and maybe she found some new confidence. I mean, she is still performing at big festivals.
  11. they all stanned hard during the Sirens era on Myspace.
  12. And she doesn't have to. Most of you ppl live in a bubble if you think that only crap gets played. Dude, this is not what it is about, don't you see? This is not about me or other Lana stans who want her to succeed. This is about the artist Lana Del Rey who is awesome and who needs more exposure to showcase her talent and be recognized as one of the best pop arists right now. This is about her.
  13. Lana IS a commercial artist. She is no less commercial than most others who are signed to Interscope Records You are a freakin Lady Gaga stan. Funny how Gaga stans have different standards for Lana and Gaga. As long as Gaga is doing better than Lana, y'all are mute and just want to enjoy Lana's music. When she outsold BTW with BTD 3:1 in Europe, she was all of a sudden somebody who needed to get rid off. But when Gaga lays low for a week, Monsters are in panic mode. I still have not forgotten about how the Liddos have spammed social media with DON'T BUY Ultraviolence. It was all over Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. And you people need to understand that Lana is not recording music for recreation. I am sure it does bother her that other take her style and sound and run with it. Now she has the chance of finally getting something back with her most accessible song in years. we have these posters every time this conversation gets brought up. You are one of them. You also did that during HM.
  14. nope, but I don't use Instagram so I wouldn't see it anyway.
  15. then why do they ALWAYS complain when charts and exposure gets brought up? Saying something like: "Ahhh, I rather want Lana for myself". This is not how it works.
  16. THANK YOU! Sometimes I think that there is quite an amount of ppl in the Lana base who don't want her to succeed, who don't want her to get the recognition she DESERVES and who don't want to see her performing and rather listen to folks like Selena Gomez, Halsey and Justin Bieber on the radio instead of Lana Del Rey. NO OTHER fanbase is like that. That is so shameful and disrespectful towards Lana
  17. She had several hits across the globe during the BTD era. Including one No.1 single and another Top5 single in Germany. Both platinum. and it is one the world's biggest markets She also has 5 certified singles in the UK and three in the US, Your post makes no sense
  18. in all seriousness, she needs to get over it. She is a pro after all. And nobody is really wanting her to fail like back then. In fact, most ppl are actually rooting for her
  19. I know, I have seen it. First of all, it needs to be on more Spotify playlists. Then it also needs more exposure on Apple Music and Pandora. She also needs to damn promote this song instead of sitting in LA and working on music for another artist's side project. They could have made the decision to send it out to radio already when it leaked so that it would have gotten a chance to get spins this week. Doing two random five minute interviews for British radio without even being in London is just the pits. Her label needs to tell her: Sweetheart, you gotta move your ass over here.
  20. Love has outpeaked HBTB's and WC's likes after like two days. It also has more likes than VG on her vevo. Ahhhh, it just bothers me that Universal is not seeing the full potential of it
  21. HBTB had very little impact on her views and sales when it came out. Love on the other hand, even made UV re-enter the UK iTunes. At some point, it was round No.50. Now it has fallen down to #142, but that is normal for an album almost three years old. All Love needs is a significant push.
  22. And in countries like Germany, UK and France perform on TV shows. Basically, no1curry about you in Germany as long as you are not on a TV show. Idk about the monthly listeners, however I think one of the main strategies for her team has to be to put her on the map there like Halsey. Lorde's song is coming out next Friday. I hope they discount Love then. And I know, Lorde will be all over radio and streaming services. And look, her single is not even leaking.
  23. On the other hand, there are also a number of pretty open racists and right wingers who are Gaga stans. Just take a look into the lounge section from time to time and it does not affect Gaga at all. A few Trump supporters will not change her demographic that has never been Republican. The "main" problem Lana faces is that she has served material that was not well recieved by casual listeners over the years that have loved BTD and that she has many fans in many irrelevant markets. It will be hard for her to win old fans again.
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