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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. why shouldn't they? it's better to put it out officially than having a leak
  2. Ich kann dich sehr gut verstehen, Ines. Bist du auch so hübsch wie Ines?
  3. In an ideal world, maybe. But you seem to forget how aggressive her last album campaign was in regards to Lana. Openly bashing her (not even with the interview, that one tweet was more obvious than anything else) and her labelboss describing Lana as a label puppet while praising Lorde to the high heavens. And now they are releasing relatively close. She has a lot to prove and they will have a very heavy promo campaign. Strange how nobody has an issue with her having one, but if "promotion" gets mentioned in the context of a Lana release, half of this fanbase is on fire.
  4. because Lana and Lorde cater towards a similar demographic with a similar taste. They are both labeled alternative and both are releasing relatively close.
  5. The only thing Lana's team has to worry about is Lorde's new single. She has a TV ad, her song probably won't leak, she has SNL, a perfect roll out for single on radio (pop included), high profile festival performances. Her team is actually pretty aggressive and competitive. They work for her. Lana's post about being anti Trump that got reported on sites like Pitchfork and Buzzfeed is not affecting her at all. The album is also some kind of political so if anybody wanted to offended by her political views would have been either way after listening to the album. And just like mentioned before Lana drops down the charts since she remains hardly visible outside of her fanbase that buys her shit the first day or a few days after and since her song was not send out to radios first week. And let's not fool ourselves: radio will not touch this single anyway single and album charts in Germany are a dead field for most female pop artists from the US & UK aside from Adele for years now.
  6. I am not a teenager myself anymore. Good, if she offended racists and xenophobes
  7. She is trying super hard with the endless discounts to make million noses a hit. it is selling okay at least. Gaga is a non factor on streaming. Sadly, Lana is on her way to become herself since Comamüüün
  8. those are some hipsters who are more bernie supporters than anything else
  9. this is not true And Gaga is not flopping. She actually won the soccer moms over who are buying her latest single on iKoons. You are overreacting. It is not that deep. Especially not when Trump's popularity is down to 39 %
  10. Well maybe America is simply not interested. Hardly anybody noticed the witch thing. Her fanbase is not packed with Republicans. Most singers are against Trump. There ain't no conspiracy either.
  11. Lol no. No1 curry. She is currently above Rihanna on iTunes
  12. maybe they should start with adds on Instagram, FB and such. That could help. Idk
  13. I can not explain it either. The iTunes position now is either #24 or #25. There is no reason why this should be so low on US Spotify and with such huge drops.
  14. A shame she never felt that way about Cola and Carmen
  15. I am not gettin the "untouchable 5" vibe from Love. First of all, because you can clearly hear it is a haynie production and thematically it is also way more universal then these 5 songs are.
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