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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. They should have sung Formation
  2. It's really tricky with UV and singles. Personally, there was no real strong single. What could have worked for here was to serve impressive visuals and promote the album heavily, especially through a world tour that would have boosted her album sales. That album was perfect for being performed live. I would have personally opted for either Black Beauty or an edited Brooklyn Baby as the lead. West Coast will always be my favourite song alongside with Video Games, but who the hell was supposed to play this? And the video didn't serve the quality we were used from Lana. Then the UV video got scraped, she cancelled basically everything and the era was done. I think because of the not so great commercial performance at first. she gave up on it (and the label), but real artists bounce back, fight and claim their material. I once read an article, not so long ago actually, from another female artist and how her label reacted when she recorded a quite unconventional and challenging album and how she really turned things round by selling out one show after the other. People that went to the shows were sceptical but she managed to lure them in with the new material and that's how it works. Lana simply lacks in that department. She wants things to come easy for her and that is not happening.
  3. We never knew when YAIL or the album were supposed to come out. For the album, there was probably not even a release date since it probably ain't even finished. It is not really clever to push it back, since she will go head to head against Lorde, which is extremly dumb. On the other hand, she really needs to bring her A-game. The competition she partly created for herself through her own music is gonna be tough now. There is no demand in some middle of the road record like Honeymoon was. And she has to make up her mind if she wants others to replace her or if she wants to be able to set the tone. It's up to you, Lana! will thankfully never happen. she only sings it since y'all go apesh!t when she moans. and yes, lana goes for these cheap reactions live otherwise she wouldn't act like it is the paradise tour 3,5 years later
  4. the best time to relase YAIL would be next Friday
  5. Queen of Pop. Sh!tting on RAT since Teenage Dream.
  7. Pointless discussion about random songs you love and Lana should cover of course (cause you love them but will never happen) going on for pages. Guys, just buy a cover album from somebody. I really like Lana Del Rey. I hope she does her OWN SONGS ONLY. Can we move on now?
  8. I hope she doesn't. It would be an incredibly stupid idea
  9. What I am basically trying to say is that BTD and even UV transported me with the lyrics somewhere else. I could close my eyes and see the setting of the song right in front of me. While UV also kinda lacked when it comes to choruses, it had really well-written verses (mostly) and the production was awesome. With HM it just all fell apart. Barely anything striked me. There were good songs on it for sure, but there was also too much filler.
  10. Well, we are a discussion forum and we can say when we dislike something. I srsly hope she would have a return to form in terms of songwriting like on BTD which was miles better and more inspired and filled with life than on HM. I also really hope she is still capable of making choruses that she is nailing and where just doesn't repeat the title over and over. And yes, i still hope she has a bridge in her like on Blue Jeans. I hope for better writing and a lil bit more excited delivery and overall more drive. She is in her early 30's, not in her 60's.
  11. The most commercial doesn't mean it's worse than HM, because it isn't. Ppl on here really need to stop bashing BTD for no reason. First of all, without it none of you would be here and secondly, it doesn't send you in a coma like HM did. BTD is a classic and rightfully so. HM is just there for the sake of just being out.
  12. I avoided to listen to this, but now i did. a hot damn mess, and you know it, sis!
  13. She looks great! I wish she we do something else with her hair though...And a yay for the shoechange
  14. Katy is a big release and it really doesn't matter if Lana waits a week or eight after Katy since Katy will take her down anyway. Lana is not a very strong single seller in the US. I think Interscope's focus is on Nose since Jopanned didn't really do very well, but after the SB and the Grammy performance, it will let her album ride for a few weeks on top. During that time, Interscope will not have a big release, neither single nor album.
  15. I can only hope that the single release is close since Interscope is now pushing Million Discounted Noses for the 3456788th time. Katy Perry is also releasing a new single on Friday. So who is the 2nd surprise release? Is it Lorde?
  16. Oh no. If I had a wish, I would love to see an album without covers. Open with your own words and close with your own words. Exciting! Waiting for a release date for the single and album. Make it happen, Lana!
  17. well, to some teenage homosexuals it doesn't matter. let us move on to the next page and one will show posting OMG HAS YAIL LEAKED???? PM ME PLEASEEEE!!!!! this is simply the mindset of some ppl here. I mean, we literally had somebody yesterday here begging for leaks in his status update with his mailadress and all. How stupid can somebody be?
  18. Although, if we think about this for a second. Eclipse can not be the main source who started spreading it. He lives in the middle of nowhere far away from LA or the US in general. The main source must be somebody from her team or Universal and I bet that source from Universal provided him with all the other leaks, not just for Lana
  19. dude, it's true. what kinda proof are you hoping for to get? like an official statement brought to you by the fbi?
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