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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. I am not even sure that there are sales expectations anymore. I find the current state of music so interesting. And now more than even shows who is able to adapt in the new times and who won't and will fall off the ladder.
  2. Ok, but why is Melanie currently outselling and outstreaming Lana? Some of you need to realise that the music industry is changing so fast, it's insane. The industry has never been into such a place like now.
  3. Artists do decline, but she had one of the biggest (if not the biggest) sales decline of 2010's artists. That is also the sad truth which has nothing to do with the sales climate. But anyways, one thing you got right: she will release in 2017, easter at the very latest.
  4. 2018 wouldn't be as bad if she was some type of Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Adele or Rihanna level of fame, which she isn't. Unfortunately, the music industry forces you to release quick. And even Melanin Sanchez sold more (in pure sales) than Honeysnooze. LDR doesn't have the luxury to wait and maybe be in the mood to give more than 2 interviews.
  5. She has 200m streams on Spotify with HM which is awful for an artist who has once been the most popular female streaming artist in the US after Katy Perry. The Weeknd sold almost what HM did in one week in the US over a year later when sales are almost dead. I don't think you have actually realised that Cry Baby hasn't left the charts in the US since release. HM left the charts after 17 weeks. UV spend 52 on the BB200. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the luxury to sit and wait until Lorde slows down after she releases her album as Taylor Swift's best friend. She has to step into the ring. But actually, all we want is good music and a very well executed era. Nobody even thinks of big budget videos a la BTD era, she is way past that peak where spending so much money on music videos made sense. We just want her to care and not play a setlist of 60 % BTD songs on the very few live shows she does.
  6. Lol honey, no offenseve, but the UTTER delusion. Outside of her very, very core fanbase nobody even thinks of LDR anymore and that is the sad truth. We thought in 2015 that it is almost impossible for her to lose more fans with Hm than she did with UV, but she proved us all wrong. If she waited til 2018, it would be commercial suicide and she would struggle to even reach MariNo numbers. 2017 will already be painful enough when new albums by Lorde, Halsey and Melanie Martinez will wipe the floor with Lana. And even some of her most hardcore fans like ilovetati who used to post on here like crazy before HM, has dropped her ass. Just imagine what a casual listener did? She needs to come up with something REALLY good in all expects of the game. Not just by releasing a good album but also in terms of how to make herself exciting for her fans again. (of course if she still wants to have fans)
  7. I have a theory and it's that Lana wants to bore this fandom to death. All on purpose. So that we all are just as bored as she is
  8. Honey, no. My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola is a line that you will never hear on the radio. No airplay, no hits. And Idk why ppl keep mentioning FK. Have y'all not listened to the lyrics? Which station would play that?
  9. I don't take any offense, it's all good. Personally, I am very vocal about topics like racism or xenophobia. This is something where I personally find myself in a position to have very strong opinions. I always went back and forth with wanting or not wanting her to say something political. With most popstars, it ends up really bad. Most recent examples of this were Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. While I appreciate their opinion, it just doesn't work how it was executed. However with this Instagram post she showed us that this was an important topic for her (as it should be, I am not really informed about this topic) and I respect that. The album information better come soon, though
  10. Beloved, nobody (and I know this is aimed at me) thinks that the life circumstances of native Americans are less worth than a new Lana album or information about it. But we have to admit that homegirl has been extremly silent regarding anything political (she hasn't said a word about the election or police brutality, or anything really), so it kinda hits you by surprise that she is pointing out this. I get that this a way bigger topic than a new LDR album or information about it, but it was lighthearted joke towards her.
  11. K Lana sweetie, that's all really important and huge and all, but where is the information about your new album, babygirl?
  12. i feel like she is gettin a lot of positive feedback from the weeknd tracks. she should def tease something, like right now, actually...
  13. "like" is quite a big of a word here. he didn't completly hate it. he still hates her overall
  14. Wonder why these snippets are still up? Wouldn't the label take em down?
  15. She actually never said that. She was asked how a New York record would sound compared to a California record. It was a pretty dumb question anyway and she just gave her two cents. She never said that her next album will be more upbeat.
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