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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. This is simply gorgeous This is called growth as a lipster, my luv. Welcome to the club
  2. Listened to it finally. full disclosure : I’m not the biggest Gaga fan at all, I love her voice but I don’t really connect with most of her songs since Born This Way, but it’s almost always the case with pop. Not a bad album at all. But my main concern is how not representative at all of the whole album the singles are Even Garden of Eden, with its snippet used for race cars, is nowhere near 80s like most of the album is. It’s almost as if Disease, Abracadabra (although it has some 80s influences), Garden of Eden and Die With a Smile are an EP (Blade of Grass also could be there) and the rest of the album is 80s Mayhem. That being said, there are good pop gems on there : Vanish Into You, How Bad Do You Want Me. But yeah, Killah is a fucking turd 💩
  3. Maybe she’ll do a Beyoncé situation, dropping two country tracks simultaneously
  4. To me, things are different this time around: she is the headline to a country festival, a new genre we have yet to hear what she means by it. Of course, she could do country covers and countryfy her catalogue, but it’d be weird and a bit « basic ». I expect she’ll premiere a new song there for sure but she needs to have a single or two released beforehand so the crowd will be able to sing along with her or won’t get « bored » if she premiered, let’s say, three new tracks from TRPWS. Too many new songs the public doesn’t know kills the vibe a lot at a live concert.
  5. I’m a firm believer in a single before Stagecoach. Even two. I don’t believe the album is scrapped at all (we’ve had this fear since LFL 🤣) But if Stagecoach happens and nothing is released by then and no Henry, then the album definitely not done. Which would have been a weird move on her part: to be part of a country festival when she didn’t have a country album ready to go.
  6. My only suggestion is to find new fave acts. For four years, Lana was pretty much the only artist I listened to… and it made me miserable in the end. As productive as she is, she will never make enough music for people who only listen to her. It has helped me tremendously with my impatience of pre-releases, finding new artists to love.
  7. Lana is not the only artist doing so. For her, it’s mostly a way of letting us in on her creative process. It also gets us very impatient to get the song 🤣. Father John Misty did the same very often in the 9 months leading to the first single of Mahashmashana, teasing production, takes, etc. FKA twigs teased snippets way in advance… who ended changing production 🙃 And let’s not forget Quavo who teased Tough in May when there weren’t even plans to release the song yet.
  8. Love this show. Forever and always Shit is about to hit the fan, I can feel it
  9. Gather around grandpa, he’ll tell you the story… is this era worse than NFR? I’m gonna say it depends on a couple of things. 1- Do you listen to other artists that you love and if so, did they or will they release anything? 2024 had many of my faves releasing and I’m still not tired of what they put out, plus I discovered new acts along the way, so I’m not that eager for new Lana. And let’s not forget that since Ocean Blvd, we’ve had 11 non-album singles, so it’s not dry land either (true, they’re not all great but still, at least one or two will surely please someone). 2- what is it that triggers you the most or gets you most excited about a new Lana era? To me, it’s snippets. So you can imagine how tiring it got, when she let us in on her creative process, NFR era, by posting lots of snippets in a matter of weeks with no album in sight. For this era, we’ve got Henry and nothing else and although I like it, it is not the most exciting song I heard from her so far. Plus her management did not repost or comment on it, and it’s a big indication of how « fast » we’ll have the single or the album. The title reveal in Nov with the bullshit date, well we’ve been down this road so many times so I didn’t give it much credit as absolute truth. so, for me, so far, it’s not the worst era, plus I’m still not 💯 convinced I will love country Lana (whatever that is). As opposed to NFR Lana, which I absolutely adored from the singles and snippets.
  10. Henry being the new Happiness is a Butterfly, being teased almost 18 months before release although HiaB had many more snippets posted before release
  11. 111 said it was done this fall, but Brightsun said it wasn’t submitted to her label at the beginning of the year… He came back this week saying she doesn’t give a fuck… Not sure if it means it’s still not submitted to label or if it has been and he doesn’t like the sound, or whatever it could mean.
  12. To me, things got so much clearer as to why she blurs out random dates all the time when it was posted here that she consults astrologists and she asks them for a date conveying with the «energy flow » or something, and she rolls with that said date, No matter the day of the week it is
  13. I’ve watched only a movie or two in the list. Yep, it’s seems my movie days are over I watch a lot tv series but movies, I don’t know when they became so bad overall.
  14. Surprisingly, I don’t. BB era, BoZ suggested she had almost renamed it Arcadia after it already been renamed after Rock Candy Sweet. So one rename is enough. Plus it seems to have a deep meaning to her and where she’s at right now. The only way I see she could rename it again would be if she did delay it by a year to rework completely. Which is sincerely hope is not the case.
  15. It might be the most revealing thing we learned in recent years, explaining all the BS dates she gave
  16. I’ve mentioned it weeks ago, but even though Gaga and Lana share the same label, Henry could come out in the next two weeks because let’s face it: it won’t do a big splash upon release and I doubt the preorder will be attached to it (if it is the case, then maybe they’ll want to space the two of them out, but Gaga’s first single didn’t bring a preorder with it so I doubt Lana will have one attached to Henry). Really don’t think she counted The Abyss as part of the two singles at all. The Abyss wasn’t even a single when we think about it, it was released with the album.
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