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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. I’m putting by bets on the AS&C or maybe the country-ish album with Nikki duets.
  2. He confirmed last week that what he meant by that is that she had included I Can Fly on BB at first.
  3. I really do like that definition that if a song is tainted with social issues or culture matters that it could be a political song. I never thought of that that way. By that definition, then yes, I guess, she did write at least 5-6 political songs. (Yes I know, I just contradicted my last post lol)
  4. I don’t even think that any of the four songs that are called « political » are. To me, they are all « peace-oriented ». Finneas released real political songs last year, criticizing the Trump administration. As for Text Book, it’s way too much oriented on her psyche-relationship troubles-« daddy issues » to be political: It just happened that she had a realization of those at a BLM rallye (according to the song anyways).
  5. Honeymouns, on IG, used to say that it would never leak. I wonder if it’s still the case (he did Say Yosemite would never leak either - which it didn’t- but I think he said the same about Life Is Beautiful - but I could be wrong about that one)
  6. Oh hun, where have you been? You know you cannot have a life outside this cursed site when you are a Lana Stan?
  7. sweetie, as much as it pains me to tell you this, it won’t happen. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment. the tracklist, on the other hand…
  8. Maybe there are some « ambiant » sounds in the background, like White Dress or Blue Banisters? Anyways, this era seems to be all about the lyrics and to know she serves vocals suits me well
  9. Thanks, luv! You totally get it! Ever since we learned the album had leaked songs, everyone has gone maniac manifesting their faves on the album, no matter how « irrelevant » the lyrics might be for a 36 year-old woman or how out the place they would sound with the other tracks… The Good Life is one my fave unreleased from her, but I really have no hope it will end up on BB.
  10. LanaBoards works in mysterious ways, and yet, we always find creative ways of learning something before releases.
  11. To be honest, I still don’t quite believe it’s coming in October. Even though the insider has been proved right with Arcadia. If it’s really coming in October, it would be the end of that month. It’s a bit off-topic, but hey, they are both on the cover so… what’s the deal with Tex and Mex? Are they her dogs? Niko and Topanga are hers for sure, but the dogs?
  12. It’s really almost impossible to know for sure with her, but I’m not sure if BB and RCS are really two separate projects or just one project that shifted directions. I think for both the concept is « Let’s revisit the past » , by going back to her older catalogue (it’s the only « sane » explanation I see for her to have mentioned the June 1 release date when we were so close already to it: she didn’t think she’d have much work to do, if the album was mostly about already done songs). We still don’t know for sure how many leaked tracks there are on BB, but according to BoZ, she seems to prefer new music instead of leaked songs. But maybe the « RCS part » of BB got tossed aside.
  13. I think the song will be about being in love and you cannot get your hands off your lover. Or maybe it’s a more « grownup » version of Video Games… (it has nothing to do with it, but Arcadia sounds a bit like arcade… video game/arcade…). Can’t wait to hear that song on Wednesday.
  14. Agreed! 14 would be perfect, but 12-13 is nice!!! and 16 was a but much to handle (LFL tea)
  15. So, manifesting didn’t do shit. scat porn, however…
  16. I really hope the preorder comes on Wednesday too and not just the single…
  17. We need to befriend that insider ASAP… she is ??? on that picture of the single !!!
  18. An insider on another site spilled this. We don’t know for sure yet. But I think it’s plausible. And it would be an October release for the album.
  19. I haven’t been in the LdR village for some time now, but things are shaping up for a release in the next weeks/months: all of the Chemtrails collection has been placed in the « Past Collections » of the Merch section, the restaurant thing, the three singles in the jukebox section (this one took quite some time though)
  20. Sept 8, as a surprise drop, doesn’t seem realistic… but Arcadia released next week is possible, with the preorder. (If true, I told a couple of times I thought it would be out before or around Labour Day, which is Monday… I’d loved to be true )
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