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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. GeminiLanaFan


    I finally got to listen to it and here are my thoughts (I didn’t hear the bonus tracks yet). She did say that the album was a mix of 2000 pop and hippie 60s-70s folk. And it becomes an excellent summer album. And the album works best when the two meet perfectly: Path, Fallen Fruit, Oceanic (very mellow and smooth, though the lyrics are a bit all over the place on first listen), Mood Ring and even Solar Power. But the album also lacks something when a song relies too much on one influence: secrets sounds like a B-side song from a Natacha Bedingfield record (only the Robyn cameo makes the song cute) and many songs mid-way feel like unfinished demos (hell, stoned sounds like a lyrical finished masterpiece in comparison). And Man with an Axe is way too heavy for a summer album… Lorde has three problems against her with this album : Her 4 year hiatus; The lyrical genius of PH and MD; She gets lost in too many themes not necessarily well developed (summer, emotional baggage, fame) that Lana developed better on Norman and Chemtrails. So not a bad album, but a 6-song EP would have been perfect.
  2. I follow a couple of « insiders » on Twitter and I love how they never have anything on Lana Bich is getting really good at keeping her projects secret.
  3. I’m starting to think that the idea to go folky was brought up as a joke in the text group with Lorde, Jack and Taylor and they all hoped the others hadn’t noticed it could be an idea ? anyways, I love both albums she did with Jack, they both have a uniqueness / superiority that his other projects don’t, but I’m glad she switched producers for BB, if only not to hear complaints about her new songs all sounding the same.
  4. My reaction also : I can’t wait for THE moment of tracklist posting or preorder announcement. I just want to know the damn release date, Lana.
  5. GeminiLanaFan


    Exactly. Even Billie doesn’t have that pressure to release the « generation’s manifesto ». Although, for Billie, the stakes will be just as high as Lorde’s with her next album.
  6. I get both sides to releasing songs after an artist’s death, especially if the artist had an unfinished project on the shelf. The fans want to hear it, some songs can get new meaning now that the artist passed away. But I totally understand why an artist wouldn’t want their demos being out or songs they don’t stand by anymore (I’d love at some point to know which songs Lana didn’t want us to hear ever and that got leaked…). anyways, let’s hope for our sake that she does have a clear vision on the matter and if she ever plans on doing something officially with her unreleased material in her lifetime.
  7. GeminiLanaFan


    There’s always the possibility that he had access to songs that were modified afterwards, although I doubt it. Or maybe he had access to some songs and not the whole?!? I usually have similar tastes to him (he was « right » about Wolf Alice), so I’ll see tomorrow, when the album is out in my time zone.
  8. Let’s hope she never dies out of the blue…
  9. GeminiLanaFan


    Interesting ? and true also. I was in awe of her writing on PH, but MD didn’t have the genius touch the other album had. At least, calling the album Melodrama kinda made up for it (as in « maybe I should take this second degree »). Maybe her writing hasnt « grown » really since she first broke out… I guess it’s always the « curse of genius teenager writer » : Will they keep on growing and be relevant and impressive?
  10. GeminiLanaFan


    Same for me. I honestly didn’t have much more expectations for SP than a good summer pop album, and I think it will fulfill that just fine. Lana remains my Supreme when it comes to female songwriting. (Melodrama was, to me, « accidental » in its « genius » lyricism)
  11. GeminiLanaFan


    Totally agree with the second part of this, even though I have yet to hear SP yet.
  12. GeminiLanaFan


    Ouf that review :/ Rolling a stone gave it a 3.5 on 5. They pretty much all agree that it’s unclear how satirical is Lorde at this point with this record.
  13. GeminiLanaFan


    I’m beginning to think that the idea to go folky was probably brought up in the text group with Lana, Lorde and Taylor and they all thought the other two wouldn’t steal the idea i am not the biggest music connaisseur, and yet, I do hear a lot of similarities between the different projects Jack has been involved in in the last few years
  14. GeminiLanaFan


    The vibe would probably be very different and yet incredibly good.
  15. GeminiLanaFan


    Lol i don’t think it was the general consensus (even Lana and Jack together again couldn’t top it, IMO), and I have yet to hear it, but a good progressive and ethereal track would be a dream
  16. GeminiLanaFan


    Lol are Lorde fans more respectful than little Fuckers? Or just lazier?
  17. Good then. It sounded too much like a grandma name anyways.
  18. The Rosemary post is weird, and I know anyone can edit things on Lanapedia, but they don’t usually create pages of songs rumoured for an album unless they had some sort of possible confirmation of it. They only created the Arcadia page last week (before that, the page wasn’t created and had the tentative Map of LA, and was under the confirmed songs of BB, without its own page). I wonder from which insider that is considered credible this info comes from.
  19. GeminiLanaFan


    To each its own, I guess. I doubt this album will be more acclaimed than Melodrama. As of now, my fave from her remains Pure Heroin. Melodrama is divisive for me: some songs I love, others I don’t and it lacks the lyric genius of PH in many songs in my mind. As a whole, I’ll probably prefer SP to MD, but not because of the « acoustic superiority » (some of the ATRL reviews got me worried for the last tracks of the album), and an acoustic song can be very wrong if the lyrics aren’t it (only reason why miss Del Rey can pull so many of them off).
  20. GeminiLanaFan


    Lol i Love how she shows nothing not to spoil it (by the way, when will mine ship, Universal?)
  21. GeminiLanaFan


    It feels like this album will be very divisive with her fans…
  22. promises, promises… She has way too much power over us to be threatened by that.
  23. GeminiLanaFan


    Lol love him to death, but I rarely share his tastes in music (didn’t he say LMLYLAW reminded him of Fine China?!? Like the first piano bars maybe… ). Mood Ring is very good
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