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Everything posted by Fingertips

  1. No. I was saying if there is one in the next few days, I won't listen
  2. One more week! I deleted the LQ leak from everything and I won't be listening to the HQ one at all. I can do this
  3. I- and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why no one reads Rolling Stone in 2019.
  4. This is how I felt, but with UV. NFR definitely resonates with me the most at this point in my life
  5. This is going to be her most acclaimed record yet I feeeeeel it. Fantano has started to come around when he praised Mariners + Looking for America
  6. How are they even going to play FIILY on radio? I LOVEEEE YOU I LOVEEEE YOU I REALLY DOOOOOOO? Girl, bye
  7. An angel. The last scene is my fave Oops, clock me - smart legend!
  8. Her worst is UV if we talk about not making sense Why is she wearing a wedding dress? Why is there a brown filter in it? Why is she eating an orange peel and sucking on the fingers of some guy?
  9. HTD wasn't recorded/leaked which is why people aren't talking about it
  10. HM = NFR! Ultraviolence Born to Die AKA Lust for Life Paradise (ok, most songs are better than LFL, but overall it's pretty dated)
  11. Cannot wait to blast Cinnamon Girl so loud that my ears bleed and I go deaf.
  12. I don't think it's a bad album. It just doesn't necessarily fit within the narrative and the world she has created in her other albums. I adore TNC, Cherry, Heroin, Summer Bummer, Groupie Love, GBA, etc, but it feels more like a collection of songs with no direction.
  13. LFL is such an outcast record in her catalog thus far.
  14. I totally agree. It almost feels like her life's work has lead up to this album. To me, at least.
  15. Oh, and we WILL be streaming this record considering that the locals won't make it past track three (such a questionable placement for VB )
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