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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. someone @ me when something leaks im bored
  2. we already have that right? i have "radio edit" version in my itunes
  3. also the fact that this album released during pride month and collectively healed all the gays around the world who didn't have taste and now do have taste she knew what she was doing
  4. she'd have to do fine china too since it's the sister track to SYTH (in my mind at least sksksk)
  5. It's kind of an iteration of what Ultraviolence was before it changed. There definitely were changes in the process of UV, as there are any of Lana's albums truthfully. Specifically, Blue Banisters was known for this - it had like 5 or 6 other songs that were being considered and was called Rock Candy Sweet before the title change The leaks really were what changed Tripico to Ultraviolence I think. When the Untouchable 5 leaked, she came out and said she didn't know what to do with the new music at the time because it's already out there, with a statement that sounded to some like she was quitting because of the leaks being an invasion of privacy and then also the executive thing. This album was pivotal to the LDR we have today. The way she releases music and creates music when she wants, the music she wants to make, and the release schedule and timing is pinpointed to this era directly. If things didn't happen the way they did, she might've never been given the freedom and ability to create how she currently does. She actually mentioned it recently, how she's always been able to follow her heart first when creating with Ben and Ed being her management.
  6. No, this was the album she wanted to make. She did get push back from executives and she pushed back as well, but she ultimately won. She also got hit with a lot of uncertainty from leaks at the time - untouchable 5 were from this era between Paradise and Ultraviolence. From how I remember it, she was asked by execs to work with some more well known producers and she didn't want to, she liked the music she was making and thought it was better than what she was being pushed to make. I also believe she told the execs she just won't release anything anymore if she can't release what she wants so now she's pretty much got freedom to do whatever with her music.
  7. I remember it leaking the week it released and being so shook and unsure about it in so many ways and then after a few listens it weaseled its way into my favorite albums ever list and it now still sits there. One of my top 5 albums and either the best or second best Lana record, neck and neck with Honeymoon and Ocean Blvd follows close behind. I also remember that release cycle when she was dropping singles before it dropped. Man, what a time to experience an album. What an album to experience as it released. I remember that photo that came out close to when West Coast released, the one with the white tee (this one) and its so reminiscent of that pre-album era of the end of paradise/tropico and a new album being on the horizon. man... what a journey lana's discography has taken
  8. When I say I think they're both wrong this is what I mean. Palestine (more specifically, Hamas) shouldn't be doing the fucked up shit they do. Meaning, kidnapping people, killing LGBT people, etc. Israel shouldn't be killing mass amounts of people in Palestine or bombing them and killing civilians or burning houses, whatever else they're doing they BOTH suck here. if one held an "am i the asshole" post on reddit, the correct answer would be ESH. i don't think what either of them are doing is okay and they're both disgusting, horrible evil fucking places in the world. do we blame civilians? clearly, no. but we should hold their governments accountable (and finally, the ICC is doing just that. will we ever see anything fixed by it? doubtful - they did the same thing for Putin a year or so ago after they started trying to take Ukraine.) But when one does something to the other, it makes sense that the other will fight back. And if they fight back, the other will fight again too. it's a never ending cycle. Parts of the southern US should be defunded in ways that encourage progressiveness (obviously, not important things like healthcare or education.) but to me, the middle east will never "matter" to me in the sense that it's somewhere I'll never be able to go to majority of the countries there and find out about their cultures firsthand. Some middle eastern countries are more progressive than others, but I'd still rather not risk it. That doesn't mean I want a bunch of kids in these countries to die - quite the opposite! I'd rather see them all have chances to be themselves. I'd apply the same logic that I apply here. I want people to be able to live their lives how they want to, without oppression of any kind. Unfortunately, those freedoms don't always exist all over the world and i know that.
  9. hmm where did I justify that? quote me next time i never defended the deaths of 40k+ people or said they deserved it in fact, since you lack reading comprehension skills (which makes a lot of sense actually) found it for you!
  10. holy shit how many times do i need to say THEY ARE BOTH WRONG before you guys read what i'm saying? holy fucking shit. i've said it over and over and over and over again. i don't agree with either side. i said israel responded to hamas KIDNAPPING INNOCENT PEOPLE by MURDERING OTHER INNOCENT PEOPLE. that's how war works. i'm not defending israel - i'm adding questions to the entire thing. where do the jewish people go, since the palestinians more than likely won't let them stay if its all given back to palestine? again - if israel has been doing this shit like what everyone is linking to (which, btw i'm going to read those articles and links - i don't have time right this second to read every article though) then why aren't we angry at the UN, ICC, and NATO? why aren't we angry at the people screaming gas the jews or wanting to attack jewish people? why aren't we angry that palestine has a history of violence, discrimination, and murder of LGBTQ+ people? but i'm soOoOo evil for questioning the support of palestine lol i'd question the support of israel too, if more of you supported israel. but most of you don't (hivemind situation tbf)
  11. continue being evil by dickriding a country that hates and displays violence towards gays can you read?
  12. i never said that this conflict started in 2023. i understand there's a long history of this. this escalated version of this conflict did start on oct 7 though.
  13. then we should be mad at the ICC, UN, and NATO for not holding israel accountable if thats what they're doing. i wouldn't blame jewish people or the civilians of israel for what their government does (the same way we can't really blame american civilians for the laundry list of bad shit america's government has done. it should be held accountable too, but that's neither here nor there) but we also know UN and NATO don't give a fuck about innocent people. if they did, they'd do something about the islamic detainment camps in china, but nobody does anything. there's multiple people to be angry at, specifically the ones that aren't being held accountable by the people who are supposed to hold people accountable for their bad shit. are we going to ignore the fact that if they didn't kidnap 252 people, this wouldn't have escalated to the extent that it has? let's be real, now. those 36k people (i haven't looked up this number, personally, so go off being more educated than me tbh) shouldn't have been killed, but it's literally a fuck around and find out situation. they kidnapped and israel responded. it didn't have to happen the way that it did if they would've given back the hostages or not taken hostages to begin with but hmm maybe that sounds too logical, guess we're not using that today.
  14. you did something! lol you got me but re-writing my post doesn't change what i said. be mad at the UK about israel stealing land / existing. btw isn't that what the crusades were about? religious wars between islam and christianity for lands in the middle east? which is why the jews were pushed into europe to begin with and then gathered and slaughtered along the number of millions. where should they go, now that we're several generations later? if palestine got the entire area back, what happens to the jews who live there? by your statements, since israel has been doing shit before october 7, why hasn't the UN or any other international entities stopped it? stepped in? does no one care, until it becomes a "war"? where has your support for palestine been for the last 10+ years? only now you're supporting them... why exactly? personally, i don't have a leg in the argument because i've never cared about the middle east and don't think about it very often, can't lie. it's not like it's the safest place in the world to visit and i don't plan to go there anytime soon (or in my lifetime ever, honestly) for a pro-LGBTQ+ website, you'd think you'd all see how evil they both are (israel and hamas/palestine). i am not going to stand up for a country that hates me and people like me. do i feel bad for those innocent lives being lost in palestine? yes. do i feel bad for their government, who doesn't give a fuck about their own people which is clear by their own statements that it's not the responsibility of Hamas to protect civilians, but the responsibility of the UN. i don't give a single fuck about their government and i hope something happens to change it there. gay people shouldn't be killed for being gay. but yassss homophobia ftw! i also am not about to stand with groups of people who are pretending to be leftists but also posting signs saying "gas the jews" in gatherings to protest the israel/hamas conflict. those who do that shit are fucking nazis and should be imprisoned. the last thing we need in this world are fucking nazis. (since this point is debatable, idk what they're saying, i heard in the video "gas the jews" but I can also hear "where's the jews". if it's gas the jews or where's the jews, i mean.... aren't both sus?) i agree with most of you that it should end, they've made their point, but i also think they're both in the wrong and a lot of you are influenced by the internet to think one is better over the other or thinking that celebrities have a responsibility to say something (they don't, there's no point. you think lana saying something is gonna stop it? get a fucking grip, be for fucking real.) thinking western media has much to do with anything in the middle east is embarrassingly immature. if all of this is about innocent civilians being killed, where is your voice for those who were kidnapped and held as hostages? 252 people kidnapped. (btw I love how you marked that out of my post, as if you're ignoring what hamas did to spark this into a bigger conflict than it needed to be.)
  15. guilty on 34 counts!!!!!! jail time please! 4 years sentencing is in july (july 11) what if they sent him to rikers
  16. Hamas attacked first and kidnapped people. That's how it all started. i mean, is kidnapping not evil? is murder not evil at a music festival? why do i need to shut up, im allowed to speak too. the innocent palestinians don't deserve to be killed. but this started by hamas, not the other way around. has israel gone too far? yes. the point i made is don't fuck around and find out.
  17. Not yall changing the name but really tho when is the find out phase gonna end? i think those who fucked around have found out by this point like....
  18. not necessarily lasso related but music related, i'd love to hear lana work with finneas on an album, billie's album sounds so good, crisp, and fresh. i need something like that for lana
  19. yall are gonna feel real funny when she doesn't even mention it at boston
  20. our mom called, she told us, she looks BTD these days
  21. i've been thinking about this a lot and i wonder if on stage it seemed silent because we only had it recorded from the crowd, right? so it might seem louder of a reaction than what she thought she heard, which seemed silent rather than maybe a few people in the crowd being excited? hmm
  22. the swan song rumor coming back to haunt us 6 albums later also to give my own idea Lets All Shoot Sweet Ozempic
  23. when Lasso is an acronym then what
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