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American Whore

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About American Whore

  • Rank
    Soda King | Formerly Hydroponic Weeds

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  • Gender
  • Pronouns
    He, dude, whatever really idc
  • Location
    Rings of Fire, Hell
  • Interests
    jimmy get me high | being a cunt
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  1. It's interesting and one of her best lines because she then describes the scene as a dark night, which then inverts the typical saying of "there's a light at the end of the tunnel". this lyric could be interpreted by her saying on the outside he seems dark and mysterious but she sees the light in him, even if it's just a metaphorical tunnel. it could also be interpreted as her view of the world, that the world is dark but this small glimmer of light in this tunnel that inevitably ends, which could be referring to a relationship or the guy she's singing about. there's more ideas i could come up with about this lyric, but just two of my thoughts idk, i've always always always loved this line
  2. i still have no clue what this game is despite hearing the name for 10 years
  3. she's a breath of the wild girly i knew she had taste
  4. i just want someone who remembers watching the little mermaid as a kid to run. i mean... someone who's old enough to be here in 10 years to see what they did through or watch their legacy flop like katy perry's next album. we can't keep having old turds running constantly
  5. i saw that joe manchin (who is also old as shit) is potentially running.
  6. I choose AOC for VP and if not her can we just have Rupaul? at least he knows fashion and could give a little arts and crafts to politics
  7. you're not being misogynistic, just pointing it out. we don't have to be misogynists to know America is built on a racist and misogynistic position and it'll keep doing it if it can. but yeah to keep the election in our pocket, it's necessary that she's the incumbent. i think AOC would be a STRONG pick for VP. she'll be 35 before the election
  8. absolutely! terrible timing and he should've done this forever ago but here we are. i still think we need them to either enact 25A or he needs to resign so she can prove she can do it and i think that right there would take her to a higher percentage for election. it'd take the unsure votes and independents who aren't sure who to pick once they see she can take up the mantle
  9. It's really not as bad as it might seem. This was necessary to give us a chance to keep the country away from Trump. Biden was never going to win.
  10. i told u bout the fool on the hill, i tell u man he's living there still Apparently not, from how I understand it. They have to pick someone from another state which is why Trump didn't pick Rubio or DeSantis from Florida
  11. This makes me wonder who she's gonna pick for VP. It 1000% will be Kamala for pres, but VP could be anyone. Not Newsom since they're both from California
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