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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. and eyelash is new! she’s only been around a year she needs to go back to the studio and make a record that can show off her vocal talent like Lana does and try to win as a 25 or 26 year old and let’s see what she does. she only won bc shes the new “different” girl like Lorde and Avril before her ugh
  2. one of the highest rated female solo albums of the decade. scored the HIGHEST female album score in the last decade from Pitchfork beating Gaga, Katy Perry, T Swift, William Eyebrow, Lorde, Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Adele
  3. it’s production sucks anus though. it really does. like the vocal mixing is bad, the distortion is nothing new that Banks hasn’t been doing for 8 years. it’s nothing actually good enough to win SOTY imo
  4. I wonder how Lana losing AOTY would effect her being in the making of the next record. I wonder if it would halt the process or make her want to make an even better record than NFR was
  5. Lana isn’t out for the AOTY category at least but i hope Squilliam Unibrow doesn’t win she doesn’t deserve it
  7. honestly if Lana didn’t win it, tyler deserved song of the year for earfquake idgaf
  8. william GODDAMN eyelash fucking won song of the fucking YEAR???? my ass made a better song than her album
  9. ugh i’m so sick of william eyelash someone get rid of her already
  10. did poot lovato cry and copy selener ho-mez so people feel bad enough to listen to her next album? when will she stop every like 2-3 years she does this sob story bullshit trying to make people listen to her “new emotional, most personal” album yawn
  11. really don’t care about anyone else at the grammies. just hope lana winso
  12. I know that.... but i’m asking what is actually NEW here.... read the post i was quoting.
  13. Who knows? We said the same kind of thing when UV came out and then HM came out 15 months later which isn’t that much more than a year. I’d expect between June - October, but remember she also said she could jam out with her friends, record an album of covers in a day and release it the next day. So it could happen at any point, just more likely toward the later part of the year. Also, she made LFA in a day and released it asap so it could be as soon as she finishes the last track
  14. THIS YEAR!!!!!! i hope she says absolutely nothing about it and just let’s it drop at some point. she already mentioned it a few weeks ago on one of her posts saying “norman’s having a year. i kind of feel bad for his little sister” meaning the next record
  15. Don’t forget, the original NFR sessions had some of those doowap tracks. She said she had a few before the album became what it is today. Those demos i truly hope leak bc we all know she won’t use them
  16. I’ve been saying this for years. Flipside and West Coast gave us a pinch of what that’d sound like and i miss it so much. I need this to happen again
  17. They’re definitely still friends. She wrote Coachella after she was in the crowd with Josh’s (FJM) wife, so maybe she would be down. Especially after the Freak video, this is all i’ve wanted is one song, let alone an entire record lol but you’re right, who knows, she’s definitely a chameleon with a disco ball mind cx
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