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Everything posted by RoundandRound

  1. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    I would literally pay $40 if she sells it onto her Tumblr or official web... Every artist should offer a way to sell their demos / unreleased / scrapped songs to their fans, I really agree that a lot of Artists says that the concept of an Album is dead cause they and fans get bored so quickly and they want to move on faster to more music, the only thing that justifies an Album release nowadays is that if it ever gets recognition and charts well, the label will make a tour and that's where the money got from, especially nowadays in the piracy/streaming era, cause nobody is buying albums anymore, they just download the music from internet without paying anything or they have streaming services accounts, and those pays nothing for every listening, so... I agree... Who's posting it?
  2. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    Hey guys... Can please someone edit the Out of My Head demo to sound like this live rip? https://soundcloud.com/psyxhe/alma-out-of-my-head-demo I think the song is better if it is speed up... And the vocals the same
  3. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    I mean, I don't want to sound rude, but let's stop pretending he's right on everything and he knows everything and he's like our God... Cause he don't know everything and we should not believe every theory he throws cause a supposedly intern told him...
  4. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    Well this board is full of people who believes everything this person says, and he told anything we didn't know before, and since the original BloomForYou was banned we don't even know if this person is the real one... Anyways if this is the real one, why we should believe everything he/she says? I can say I have sources or interns too and say that Charli is dropping a single this friday and some people may believe it... That's what he/ she said with 1999, his intern supposedly told him that 1999 was coming 28 Sept and told the same for the week before, and the week before, and the week before... Obviously, one Friday finally came and everyone here was like: OMG You were right!... He/ she also told everyone that had Taxi and would leak it and never happened from his hands... And we never had proves that he had the file...
  5. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    Iould love to hear White Mercedes, Middle Finger, Attention in full HQ! Those snippets are insane... I love the Tropical vibe on attention...
  6. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    Who says it, you? Hahaha its charli, hear the vocals and the way she pronounced the words... Let's stop pretending this troll knows everything about her
  7. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    That Dress at the beginning!! Damn! CHOLI IS SO SEXY S$@/$).)&@/(@... I REALLY LIKE THE VIDEO
  8. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    Why IS EVERYONE NOT TALKING / VOTING FOR CHARLI ON MTV EMA'S BEST WORLD STAGE LIVE? LET'S BE REAL STANS AND VOTE HER! http://www.mtvema.com/es/vote#mejor-artista-mtv-latin-america-central
  9. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    I think the video was taken down cause her label canceled the album... That's my thought... yeah but at POP CHART... in General Chart she is still at 25...
  10. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    she's still at #25 on US iTunes general chart...
  11. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    no... I didn't cause we already talk about it a few pages back about it... It looks like some gays are too lazy to go back a few pages back and read what's the thread about... SO I feel pretty annoying when SOME PEOPLE really SPAMS ALL THE TIME with the same thing, or when everybody is TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING (today 1999) and SOMEONE JUMPS OUT with something we already discussed or THE DREAM XCX TRACKLIST when that already passed...
  12. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    yes! by gift cards!! I did it, cause US CHARTS are the only who counts... No one looks for charts of a country that is not big for the industry, like Latin American countries or underdeveloped countries... UK, US CHARTS are the only ones that counts... hahaha You just need to creat an account with an US Adress (look on google for one of a hotel or something you want) and then buy a gift card over a trust site like offgamers...
  13. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    GUYS GREAT NEWS (HOPE NEWS) ABOUT BRICKS!! https://twitter.com/tommmgonz/status/1048102461762940928?s=21 https://twitter.com/ihultquist/status/1048249105753899013?s=21 Ian answered my Tweet!
  14. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    Babe just read a few pages back, we already talk about it, it was a concept and it leaked while ago... And a few pages back we said it! Stop spamming with something old!! Today's the moment of 1999
  15. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    1,29 dollar babe. You can purchase it and help Choli release more music yeah probably you should GTFO xoxo
  16. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    I was going to ask the same thing...
  17. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    I just have a thought... What if Charli's on another song of Rita Ora's new album?
  18. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    I wish Charli had the Michael Jackson verse... I don't know why but my thought since the beginning is like they are singing the song without desire... I wouldn't be surprised if after a year she says she hates the song and Atlantic made her release it at any cost... I really like the song, the end is so WTF. And I like Troye, I like his music but I think he sings a lot on the song... Anyway I will buy it tonight!!
  19. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

  20. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    So now we can say it's official that the soundtrack was scrapped? Or this Friday we will have 2 new charli's songs and also new by Tommy?
  21. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    No song in iTunes / apple music either! Tommy Genesis has a new song called Daddy! No soundtrack yet on iTunes NZ...
  22. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    Well I don't want to ruin every gay dream but Party Party is dead... Umru just said it PROOF: A fan asked last night about it and he answered: "ew, no, it's dead" NVM: A guy on discord just asked UMRU about it and he said that the fan asked him and he answered that it's not up to him, so it's not dead at all...
  23. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    Sorry but it's so old... He said it's from 2013 and vocals from.2015... And it leaked while ago
  24. RoundandRound

    Charli XCX

    So you will wait till year 2029 when she decide to release it? Can you tell us if you have RnR?
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