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Danny Milk

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Posts posted by Danny Milk

  1. 15 minutes ago, shedevilbynight said:

    dangerous not being in the album... but doghouse is... some crimes can never be forgiven

    is there a link to dangerous?

  2. 46 minutes ago, comeintomybedroom said:

    The fact that someone leaked it with a fan made instrumental like a day before really made the actual leak underwhelming. 

    wasn't that up n down?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

    I’m really frustrated because I want to share a screenshot of the album I made but I don’t fcking know how to do that anymore. :toofloppy:


    i used to upload images onto imgur & then yknow paste the /img link into my post and BAM there it is... now the image code is just a website link, not a jpg so idk what I’m doing??? help :poordat:

    if you have a twitter post the image there and then copy the link of it here and it should work (that's what i do anyways)

  4. 39 minutes ago, Salem said:

    Jump Rope is fake. I spent the whole morning looking for legitimate snippets of it and there's only fan made fakes. 

    Jump Rope is definitely real but there have been no leaked snippets released yet

  5. 41 minutes ago, lanaismamom said:

    no way we only need jumprope half hearted gold diggin love king of the arcade studio


    i thought we had half hearted (but i do agree that we need jump rope to leak)

  6. 3 hours ago, willfoshizzle said:

    omg how tf did "knockoff" not make the cut 

    according to the guardians on poppy.church the title was given to them along with the rest of the album tracks so it must of been cut last minute

  7. 2 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

    Would it be weird if I just threw all the unreleased songs I don’t like into one messy album? :toofloppy:

    I’ll call it MEH EH X C X 

    i'm making two of those too ?

  8. 17 minutes ago, FellReallyHard4U said:

    rubberband is being sold it might leak soon but looking at the prices it might not lmfao

    people still care about rubber band (also surprised it still hasn't leaked)

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