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Posts posted by keanefar

  1. It was on ebay, only one copy that was up since the 25th. Are you asking for help finding the physical or digital?


    Physical :( Thanks though.


    Crying rn

  2. Just snagged a physical copy of the sampler too.  :party:


    WHERE?! Share please!


    I'm in a panic I wan't it so bad :icant:


    Someone help me find it please :crying:

  3. @ just for the record, infertility is not a health defect, nor would Nan's syndrome be one. There IS a difference between a health defect and a... Disability? I can't think of the proper word, but basically, Cordelia's health is fine regardless of whether she can have kids or not...


    Not sure if I explained that well, it's hard to.

  4. Oh isn't the album out worldwide tomorrow?


    Yeah but messiest release ever. There's random versions flying all over Amazon - one's with Ghost bonus disc, one as a 2 disc with the B-Sides...


    Idek :rip:

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