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Everything posted by CokoKilos

  1. @@Elle if you wanted photos you coulda just asked no need to screencap anything,
  2. @@Elle @@ldr72 night guisee
  3. i agree on this break i could actually sleep for that long too, ughhh i love sleepingg
  4. When you talk it's like a movie and you're making me Crazy
  5. I know you get scared sometimes boy nothing to be feared when your in my heart troubles come in threes @@Elle and i are just trouble
  6. If you get lonely think of me only ohgodd
  7. I only drink pepsi Don't ya wanna come to my motel honey? im so sorry you have to see all this
  8. we seriously need to stop @@Elle the kids getting scared Fame, Liquor, Love give it to me slowly Put your hands on my waist, do it softly
  9. we shouldnt tell him the things that happen with lesbians in the sheets..it will scar him waltz on ova
  10. Aqua and Libra's are highly compatible, they just fit like a puzzle..down to the sheets
  11. i have no idea if ive ever been with a libra..but id rather people to find out right now v
  12. Libras are fr3aks in the sheets..i dont doubt it bbydoll..thing is could you keep up with an aqua I cried when i first heard the Ride monolouge, ive fully memorized it..sometimes ill say it randomly the t-swift monologue is so lame no offense t swift fans
  13. i just love how lana is so creative what if she was creative in bed :hawt:
  14. I guess i would be the dude Preach the good word of the lord (queen)
  15. i dont wanna be t-swift, so you can be her
  16. I TOTALLY FORGOT :byeh8rs: :byeh8rs:
  17. Damn You - Two kids and the American Dream
  18. imagine tho...i could just wave outside my window
  19. Im getting tired too, my heads starting to hurrrtt imagine if i did tho
  20. 5 am here as well, you seriously kill me
  21. me tooo, i have sleepy eyes any ya'll have kik pm me
  22. save the drama fo yo mama ~ just had a thought...imagine if we could all attend a Lana show together anddd see tropico as a group
  23. All ya'll are my partners in crime..just cant pick one I seriously burst out laughing cause i never noticed until you brought it up, thanks
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