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neon palms sway

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Posts posted by neon palms sway

  1. 16 minutes ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:
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    seeing as she literally put a VB remix mashup in this album, I don’t think it’s far fetched to think that whatever she’s singing in the JB Interlude could end up as a full song on her next record. 


    Ugh I need this but I am trying so hard to not get my hopes up :sadcore3: 


    a lot of my fave unreleased tracks are the recording sessions that never really became anything (Joshy and I, Run Motorcycle, Ben, etc) so I feel like the fact that I love the JB interlude so much means it’s doomed to become like the others:sadcore6:

  2. 17 minutes ago, drugsdesire said:
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    does anyone know what lana sings in the jon batiste interlude? it sounds beautiful. all i can make out is “HONEEEEEY” and it’s HEAVENLY


    not super helpful but I hear her say these lines a couple of times


    “In the dark…? honey I’m feeling ?”
    “? Song, dancing til the dawn”



    The vocals in this track are so perfect and I’d kill for it to be a real song but I doubt it ever will be (or at least we’ll never hear it):suicide:

    someone make me feel better

  3. 18 minutes ago, margaret soty said:
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    I was scared to say it, I like Fingertips lyrics, but I wouldn't mind if it had never been included in the tracklist. 




    agreed!! Reads like a poem beautifully and is very impactful, but the automatic singing doesn’t appeal to me in this one, so it’s at the bottom of my ranking:sadcore:


    Although it doesn’t capture me in the way it does for others, I can see the art in it and I respect her reasoning and openness! Fingertips lovers please don’t kill me:eek:


  4. On 3/20/2023 at 2:05 AM, Fishtails Supremacy said:

    Did anyone figure out what she says in the Fishtails chorus, I could only make out

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    Ella Fitzgerald in the air 


    I don’t know if anyone got back to you on this, someone posted the lyrics but I can’t find them anywhere lol. All I remember is


    ? On the stairs, Ella Fitzgerald in the air, feeling hella rare

    If anyone remembers the beginning please help:silly:

  5. On 3/19/2023 at 10:02 AM, Im a ghost now said:

    Hey y'all, can anyone pls tell me what she says in GPSOTSOMFWHDSF after


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    Cause I’m good in spirit, warm-bodied


    pretty pleeeek help a girl out :ohno: trying to make a lyric video for each song and this is the one line that I can't figure out :hide: 

    I was listening to grandfather today and I think she’s saying



    Infallible deity wrapped up in white

    So wanted to find this post and answer it in case you were still trying to figure it out!! 

  6. 1 hour ago, hotshot2am said:


    I think I figured the lyrics out :bebe:


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    Words on my friends

    With their red fires, their white ice, their black eyes, and their blue lies

    If you're asking yourself, “how do you know?”

    Then that's your answer, the answer is no

    Run around, run around like your head is on fire, run away like your head is on fire


    I still hear


    Red flags (I hear the L sound), their black dice (I feel like he’s definitely saying black here, not certain about dice though lol), their black eyes, their blue eyes (I don’t hear the L sound so I think it’s eyes)


    I also hear 


    better run, better run run run run like your head’s on fire


    I’m hoping that once the album comes out it will be easier to figure out!! This song and Jon Batiste I want to figure out so bad! Lol


  7. 9 minutes ago, honeybadger said:


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    i keep hearing "dog" which doesnt seem right either ... and also "midnight drive" :runs:



    6 minutes ago, Obduration said:
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    This is what I hear too



    She said “a midnight thrill” first in the background and then “a midnight drive, yeah!” Sorry I should have extended the lyric that I was quoting😅 went back and edited

    now that y’all say “dog” I could see that fitting,

    still not sure though


  8. 48 minutes ago, Yosemite said:

    Judah Smith Interlude lyrics anyone? :oprah3:



    Don’t you understand what that means?

    it means quit lusting after your neighbor

    that’s a heck of a life!

    you get to love your children in front of you

you get to love -
    you ever talk to somebody- “I want a new life, I don’t love my wife anymore, I don’t love my kids anymore”

    (?) like they’re usually my age

    does that sound like love?

it’s a life dominated with with lust

but for too long they’ve been holding it on

    and finally they just get weak
 and they say “it doesn’t matter anymore”

and the spirit of God says “I’ll confuse you with desires,
    with what you have and what’s in front of you”
    so as it works deep in your heart

    as you call out to Him and say

“how could you do it to me man? (?)

help me want what I got

    help me love what’s in front of me

help me want more of my wife and more of my friends

and help me serve the city I live in and not wish it away and hope I can move

help me God

    I want to be a man in love

Not a man in lust”

    But you’ve got to do that

    (?) this verse (?)
    Psalms Chapter 8

    And do you know what I got in this verse?

    This is going to sound crazy to you but I’m gonna tell you the absolute truth,

    it’s going to make me sound so spiritual so I’m looking forward to it

I woke up this morning and God said “check the Bible out”

    I don’t know if it was God, but it felt like God
    And I had the thought that I had to check the Bible out so
     I’m going to speak to you from the verse of the day

That means I don’t have to do anything,

    I don’t have to look anywhere

Just look at the verse of the day

    So I get to the verse of the day

And here’s the verse of the day, today, in the bible

    Look at this

    Look at the splendor of the skies

Your creative genius glowing in the heavens

    When I gaze, when I gaze at your moon and your stars

Mounted like jewels in their setting

I know you are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all

    When I look up and I see such wonder and workmanship above

I have to ask this question

I’ve got to ask this question

    Compared to all this cosmic glory,

    Why would you ever bother with puny, mortal man, or being 
    oooh, don’t get me started
    i could pretend (?) infatuated

    Or be infatuted with Adam’s son

    Why are you so infatuted with me?

    You’re the star creator, you’re the ocean maker

    you’re the whale creator, you’re the rhino designer

    Who do you think you are?

    And then it goes on in verse 5

    And it says

    Yet what honor you have given to me,

    Created only a little lower than Elohim

    Which is the name of Creator God

    Artist God

    You want to call God an artist?

At some point tonight before you go to bed yell:
“Yo, Elohim!”, and he’ll hear: “You’re the best artist ever!”

    Crowned like kings and queens with glory and magnificence

    You have delighted, you have delegated to them mastery over all you have made

    You’ve made me a partner with you

    I used to think my preaching was mostly about you

    And you’re not going to like this but I’m going to tell you the truth

I’ve discovered my preaching is mostly about me

    Mostly translated by @rosemead ramadabut I added a couple of things I was able to make out! ❣️ let us know if you can hear what we missed!

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