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Posts posted by EXODUS

  1. 45 minutes ago, champainproblms said:

    i agree!! iichliwp is halsey's best work, it's a shame that judging from her latest single she's going pop again for her new album


    Agree too. 


    IICHLIWP is her best work and her most alternative. This is the sound I always thought Sky would do after NTMT. 

  2. @1000Times please come to this thread and do your magic.


    Us Little Ferraris are starving and she has plenty of unreleased stuff. We deserve some happiness after knowing how bad she has treat us for 10 years. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Furor Poeticus said:

    Manifesting she'll bring back & The Diamonds and release an album called The Revenge of The Diamonds making a return to serious songwriting and making the gays love her again 


    This is all I want from her. 

  4. 19 hours ago, EmptyPromises said:

    Hey Sky, they wont give you 500k to make Downhill Lullaby video if you wait till 2025, give it up


    She is dumb for thinking that after 10+ years she can depend on the label's money. 


    I pity her but I pity the FreeSkyFerreira stans even more. 

  5. 57 minutes ago, Ceremonials said:

    i'm just going to say this, so many things happen to her that are allegedly other peoples malicious doings that either makes her incredibly unlucky, tragically even, or a really unlikeable person. 


    it's like the most internet/tumblr famous girl you know has the worst personality possible, like why can't she maintain friendships with absolutely anyone ??? 


    Only Charli names her lately but she is wise to keep her away at some point. 


    Not even Miley supports her anymore, and she was very close to her back in the day. 

  6. 18 hours ago, AtomicMess said:


    Literally the opinion I was looking for coming in here.


    Halsey leaving removes one less excuse Sky Is Perfect/Sky is the Victim purists can use to inflict psychic damage on me.




    Imagine Tonia saying now "There's plenty of Halsey friends still working on Capitol, Halsey is ordering them to sabotage Sky releases". 



  7. Genius idea:

    Sky release a greatest hits (lol) album with Capitol so you can get out of contract. 



    Don't Forget: Sky Ferreira Greatest Hits



    1. 17

    2. Obsession 

    3. One 

    4. Sex Rules 

    5. Traces 

    6. 99 Tears

    7. Everything is Embarrassing 

    8. Lost in My Bedroom

    9. Sad Dream 

    10. You're Not the One

    11. I Blame Myself

    12. Night Time, My Time

    13. Easy 

    14. Downhill Lullaby

    15. Don't Forget 


    Bonus Track:

    Everything Is Embarrassing (Unknown Mortal Orchestra Remix) 

  8. 20 hours ago, violentvioletsky said:

    The parallels between Me & My Dog and Letter To An Old Poet :trisha:


    This was genius. 


    Sure this album was far from the perfection that was Punisher but omg it is so good. 

  9. On 3/30/2023 at 2:12 PM, AllForYou said:

    I want her to do something but I’m also scared of her doing something:toofloppy:




    The Diamonds trilogy was flawless. Then she went either hit or miss with most of the songs on her latest two albums. 

  10. You guys are so spot on and I applaud you for being smart :gclap:LB became a better placer after we all know agree on what's actually going on with the lack of releases. 


    Poor Sky, I love her music and she was a real sweetheart with me, my brother and other fans when she came to us to say hi, take a picture and hang out for a bit. I really miss the 2012 Sky. 

  11. 19 minutes ago, xenomorphqueer said:

    okay i haven't been on here in a while bc idgaf but i just saw the free sky ferreira ig account and tell me why on their latest post they say sky is too much of a threat for other artists signed to capitol

    like are you SURE beloved


    Crazy stans (and Tonia) have theories about Halsey having friends on Capitol that have a lot of influence and that are blocking Sky releases and therefore not letting her having a big success. 


    And claim that Sky is a big threat for her, they think Sky will be so successful that Halsey will be paid dust once the general public discovers Sky talent.


    Delulu at their highest point. 





  12. Let us all never forget how bak in March-May 2022 there were SO many fans here defending Sky and attacking members that say negative things about Sky. 


    Mostly new fans who just discovered her during the pandemic lol and now look, not even a single one of them here doing that, they just learned what we didn know along for almost a decade: many set backs, lies, shelved albums, false starts. 


    Bitch better get help, hire someone who helps her to organize herself, find psyquiatric help, quit drugs, get a big label who buys her out of ontract, ditch all her past work and start fresh. 


    I'm sure once she is out of label, Capitol will press again NTMT vinyl with some nice extras because they are very aware that she has a lot of fans who would pay for that on a heartbeat. 


    There's a lot of money to earn here for everyone involved, it's a win win situation. Now it's a matter of time for people (including Sky) to start working on their plans for the future. 

  13. Let us all never forget how bak in March-May 2022 there were SO many fans here defending Sky and attacking members that say negative things about Sky. 


    Mostly new fans who just discovered her during the pandemic lol and now look, not even a single one of them here doing that, they just learned what we didn know along for almost a decade: many set backs, lies, shelved albums, false starts. 


    Bitch better get help, hire someone who helps her to organize herself, find psyquiatric help, quit drugs, get a big label who buys her out of ontract, ditch all her past work and start fresh. 


    I'm sure once she is out of label, Capitol will press again NTMT vinyl with some nice extras because they are very aware that she has a lot of fans who would pay for that on a heartbeat. 


    There's a lot of money to earn here for everyone involved, it's a win win situation. Now it's a matter of time for people (including Sky) to start working on their plans for the future. 

  14. Those FreeSkyFerrreira psycho stans are creepy and dumb af. 


    Poor people, I pity them for supporting so blindly someone that has proven her fans to be a liar. 

  15. On 3/23/2023 at 11:33 PM, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


    Shirley Manson supported Raye and Jojo when they had that happened to them but she has never said a word about Sky. Red Lips was written by Shirley for Sky, you would think she would say something especially with the Free Sky people badgering her everyday in her comments. 


    Zachery Cole blames himself for the lost of her career. I never believed she had no idea he was a heroin addict. Like you can easily tell who's a junkie. Also she was looking pretty bad those days. I doubt she was doing that purposely for the tumblr crowd. :smokes:


    This is pretty much the HUGEST proof that Sky is the problem and everyone in the industry knows it. 

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