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Posts posted by Tristesse

  1. The best song is an effortless cover. I didn't expect anything, and I'm still disappointed.  :smh:

    I've been hating on Tame Impala ever since I'm into psychedelic music, I may change my mind now. That song is so great  :creep:

  2. Nowadays, when I listen to Freak I swear I'm about to fall sleep, she shounds so plain and bored. I swear it wasn't like this the first months after Honeymoon's release I guess I just got bored 


    Well that's not unpopular I guess... I was just about to post that Freak is underrated to me. I don't know what is real anymore  :noparty:

  3. Yes, really don't understand you all. Don't believe the media saying that she is a trashy vulgar girl singing stupid basic ass songs, or that she's a symbol of what's going wrong nowadays with western civilization, They are all lying. She IS talented. Have no idea what talent means but this word sounds cool.   :flop:

  4. The story of the songs, their "meaning" is to my opinion not to be taken at face value, it is more about the feeling I guess, I always think of her songs as more surreal than they seem.

    But I may be delusional, the esoteric interpretation topic of her songs blew my mind too hard

  5. S. Okay, no questions about your life before New York. What’s your favorite color? Or do you prefer not to talk about it?

    LG. I like blue. (laughs)

    S. Anything else about your songs you want to talk about, anything that inspires you, or any story you want to tell about any of your songs?

    LG. I don’t know, there are certain visuals that seem to keep coming up like things that are gold, (...) handsome guys.

    S. You mean things that keep coming up in your songs? Is that where your head is at?

    LG. I don’t know. It must be, ‘cause they reappear. …I don’t get tired of them (Laughs).


    It was cool to read after the MTWBT video. She is still the same after all these years.  :flutter:

  6. The video is forgettable. No story, is basically a collages o images and ideas without anything cohesive. I don't get what the girls are doing in the video but she needed to put her mildly talented sister in it somehow. Why didn't she let the BW parts in color? She would expressed magnificently her inner campy, white trash trailer park persona that she so carefully curated so far. I miss her boldness from the National Anthem and Ride videos. The siting with closed eyes in a coma, staring languidly to nowhere and singing like a heavily stoned person ala 60-70's shtick is getting so boring Lana. But she's working so hard guys...to fuck up her career

    She works hard doing what she wants to do. That's it.

  7. I think it's safe to stop tyring to think that Lana may ever sing to "Lizzy" or reverse. She is not schizophrenic or anything, she said multiple times that she is the same person, who grew up, of course, but still the same.

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