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Posts posted by jetski

  1. on the one hand I'm kinda sad that XCX3 is dead because those songs are amazing, but on the other hand the alternative is new unheard songs (maybe even the Jam City collab!!!) which is obviously super exciting. And also if it's a proper album then it'll get real promo, music videos, a tour...the whole package, which will be super fun


    Like I said before, I'm still delusional that CTMP might get released....I know it's super unlikely. And I'm psyched about the prospect of brand new songs. But you can't take this away from me lol


    ps: would you guys like it if she called the album just “XCX”?

    yeah I'd be into that! It'd be a cool simple title and would give her a lot of leeway with what kind of direction she's want to take with the overall aesthetic/style of the album. it'd basically be like releasing a self titled album which is a pretty common thing to do

  2. “make an album”...............I hate her

    lol yeah I noticed she is very careful to say "make" and not just "release"

    Like that other instagram from a couple months ago where the caption was like "should I make an album?? Should I not make an album? Should I make an album??"


    Just confirms that XCX3 is fully scrapped, as if we needed any more confirmation :toofunny: I'm still holding onto my delusion that she'll "make" an album that includes CTMP on the tracklist :defeated:

  3. Why would anyone remove anything from POP2...its a masterpiece that needs NO editing.

    Totally agree w this, but also it's just like a thought experiment to do for fun, I can see why ppl enjoy thinking up alt tracklists


    That being said, the fact that some of you ppl are willing to cut OOMH is disgraceful lol, I can't imagine Pop 2 without it

  4. it's hard for me to pick which track to take off of Pop 2 cuz it's so perfect

    I guess maybe Tears... and I would replace it with the scrapped Lil Peep collab, I wanna hear it so bad

  5. random Q what are all the songs where Charli says it's Charli baby?

    These are the ones I know but I haven't heard 100% of leaked songs so I might be missing some



    -Track 10


    -Screw It Up (this is the best one :defeated:)

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