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Posts posted by jetski

  1. Whew I just listened to Track 10 for the first time in a while and suddenly I don't even want BIOYL anymore. No way they can one-up the ethereal cyborg masterpiece that is Track 10.

    This is just a fact...BIOYL is cute but Track 10 is like the next Pokémon evolution of the song lol, it just takes everything the next level. No shade to BIOYL but I'm just kinda indifferent towards it

  2. guys stop freaking out, no one has the final CTMP! a fanmade edit of the leaked version was played, as were most of the things played there

    damn ok. well I'm glad they don't have the final so they can't leak it, but also bummed cuz I thought it was a sign we were one step closer to official release....


    ppl gotta stop getting fooled by fan edits lol, they're always so obvious to spot


    anyway stream 1999

  3. It’s probably a demo of CTMP as opposed to a new version, no? I think we’ve heard snippets of a CTMP demo with a different synth line or whatever

    I think BloomForYou confirmed that CTMP has been updated in some way (correct me if I'm wrong)


    tbh I think the leaked version of CTMP is perfect, I love the bridge as it is, but since it's already a few years old at this point I can understand why she would want to update it to keep it sounding fresh

  4. I mean it's normal for her to play a very short set at her club shows. That's kinda how all of her parties this year have been, afaik. Sorry if u expected something different


    That is weird that she didn't promo the show at all tho, also seems weird to play some random suburb instead of NYC? Seems weird all around lol

  5. this.... y'all act like cmtp will be a smash hit when in reality it will just flop like any other leaked/old song. we need NEW things, fresh stuff, like 1999. 

    yeah, this is a very valid point. there is a big risk when releasing a single that's already leaked because it doesn't have that element of surprise.

    I still have faith in CTMP if it was promoted well and had an amazing video to go along with it. I think it's super catchy and accessible and fun. 

    Comparing CTMP to Vogue and Oops OMG now I’ve seen it all, this is why fags don’t have rights

    lmao. to be fair I wasnt trying to say it's actually similar to those songs I was just trying to make a point about how much potential CTMP has

    PS don't tell anyone but I'm not gay so u can just take away my rights instead  :toofunny:  

  6. I still can't get over how much of a travesty it is that CTMP hasn't been officially released. It has soooo much potential, I think it could be a huge hit and actually iconic, but so many people don't even know it exists. I know a lot of ppl have probably heard the leaked version, but it deserves to be out there in the world, on the radio and officially distributed and all that


    It's like, imagine if Michael Jackson never released Smooth Criminal, or Madonna never released Vogue, or Britney never released Oops I Did It Again.....its unthinkable.... that's how I feel about CTMP! I know it sounds like an exaggeration but that's basically what this song is for Charli in my mind – an iconic signature song. The world NEEDS to hear it!!!! 

  7. the album teasing she did on instagram...do y'all think that she'll do like a surprise drop like she did with pop 2 or like with anouncement next year?

    I would lose my mind if she did a surprise drop, but I have a feeling she'll do a proper announcement and everything. Especially if it's an album and not just a mixtape which I think is likely

  8. In case anyone cares, apparently this is the track that was playing in the bg of that random vid of charli directing a music video that was posted the other day. Saw someone on twitter ID it


  9. lol is she shooting a MV for the song that u can hear playing in that vid? That beat is so banging but no idea who the artist could be


    I hope it's a reshoot of the CTMP video and that's just some random music they're playing to get people pumped up lol

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