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Posts posted by Vulnicura

  1. ok curious question. what charli songs if played during a party would y’all GO THE FUCK OFF to?

    mine right now is probably backseat. when the two drops after the bridge happen ... i would lose my freaking mind dancing to that



    and specially that 28bit rate  JAM CITY COLLAB

    Page-ly reminder to watch 1999 music video, it hit 14 million yesterday! 


    and to stream 1999 on spotify! its at 39.9 million right now!

  2. it's #30 in the UK midweek charts and rising (up from #50) so it's actually doing pretty well. Boys peaked at #31 and ATAP at #29, so this could potentially be her highest-charting song since Doing It

    wow the UK coming in with the TASTE 

  3. "Big news: @bjork is coming to The Shed! “Cornucopia,” a new concert production conceived and performed by Björk and directed by John Tiffany, will receive its world premiere at The Shed in spring 2019 in our largest space, The McCourt. " - The Shed via Twitter




    Couldn't be more excited! I really hope she does a live album or realease a blu-ray for this because it sounds amazing, I really really really hope it will become a worldwide tour.


    also this made my laugh lol



  4. ohMYFUCKINGGOD I am literally beyond exhausted like ok so I arrived in front of the NBC thing at 8.30 pm last night and was expecting other nyc troye/charli stan to be there but like... I was literally the only one there so I guess I was first in line? Then the second person came at 9pm and she was a troye stan and like... she wouldn't stop talking about how skinny he is and how good his voice and songs are and I was there just like..  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  anyways, we got along pretty ok and we ended up being the only two that stayed overnight so that was a lot... I kinda tried to convert her to an xcx stan and she said she surprisingly really enjoyed vroom vroom/gno/taxi/etc so that was pretty ok.. the next couple of people came at like 5.30 am and they were just like old locals there for fallon himself and at this point I was just wondering what happened to all the other gays??? 9 am came by and by this time my toes were frozen and I was so fucking sleep deprived but at least I got the FIRST STANDBY TICKETS and I just couldn't be more happier so I just went home and basically collapsed... I missed all of my alarms but I woke up at 3.45 pm and we had to be at the studio again by 4.15 pm so at this time I was like panicking because my subway ride back to the studio would've taken me at least 40 mins and I was not about to waste 13 FUCKING HOURS FREEZING MYSELF TO JUST WATCH CHARLI PERFORM ONE FUCKING SONG but thank god I arrived there by 4.30 and was stil able to get first in line (since I was first in standby) and did the whole checking in process and what not


    anyways, only 20 of us from the standby (out of like 70 standby) got to go inside and watch and fallon and troye and Jamie fox was ok I guess. but omg when they finally performed 1999 I was literally in the very back seat dancing my ass off while THE ENTIRE FUCKING AUDIENCE WAS DEAD ASS SITTING STILL like omfg I really cannot deal with all these locals rn  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana: charli and troye performed it twice actually and the second time around it was so much better but it didn't really have the ending cos fallon wasn't even on stage anymore so Idk which one they would post or edit it. The whole stage set up was like on a platform stage with smokes and a shit ton of rave lasers like I literally thought I was gonna be blind.. I shouted a couple of times and charli kept waving back at me like omg being the only charli stan there was soooo fucking awkward y'all I'm never doing this again but oh well at least fallon gave us a free amazon echo LOL

    i enjoyed this read lol thanks for sharing! hope you get some well deserved rest now  :gclap:

    right now I'm working on turning a Kpop stan into a Charli stan. He bought Pop 2 on itunes! I told him Jay Park had a collab and showed him the BTS/Chrali XCX pic on twitter. He showed POP 2 to to his kpop fan friends but they didn't have high enough IQ to appreciate Charli i guess  :poordat:

  5. Is anyone else super  excited for Zara Larssons album? I only know about her because of that Charli radio documentary and on twitter she said she loves working for her. I hope Charli has a feature on her album and not only just helping her write her new album.  :deadbanana:

  6. I wish she would announce her new album at this point. I got tired of 1999. :(

    I'm still into 1999, but I agree  :defeated:  i only listen to it a few times a day instead of the whole day now  :(

  7. Also tbh this leak business is such a mess as of late. Charli feels basically everything she’s ever done is leaked so maybe nothing except 1 or 2 songs are being pitched. There’s probably hundreds - thousands of unleaked songs though because after all this is Charles baby we’re talking about. But truly nothing 2018 should be leaked. 2017 is iffy but if you know it’s dead it’s green lit. Everything beforehand could be leaked. Stuff like Atomic. Fruit Salad, True Romance, etc. could still leak. TBH if any material is leaking at this point it should be songs like those which are buried. Not every single song is gonna get pitched obviously. Luckily almost all of the shitty discord quality songs have leaked in August. Y’all better not leak the rest like WM, Next Life, Liqour, & Shoes because they still can be released. Shoes might get bought (hopefully by XYLØ) & tbh it’d still be a bop. Once bought & released y’all can beg for them to be leaked because then, it’s akrwsfy out there. Guys we should be begging for old stuff not newer stuff. Beg for Vroom Vroom outtakes & tracklist & fruit salad :toofunny:


    thanks for reminding me to listen to Tears & Tantrums  :flutter:

  8. I really can't stand dumb people asking for songs we already know are not going to be on the album, I don't care if she told ATAP. or Boys were the first single of the album, she already moved on, and she also told she hates boys and she didn't perform ATAP in a while, I think was only once this year, I love Boys, but she hates it, so why she should put new versions of these songs, including BIOYL, another song I really like, just to take places of other songs that we didn't hear at all and she has been working on? I mean I prefer she releases now an album with songs we didn't hear before or at least only snippets, like Middle finger, WM, Attention, Don't let Me GO, WGFU, Jam City Collab...


    Also, She already said She doesn't know what's coming, but the "first" single is 1999...


    Yeah, that bitch released the same dam album as the leak one... Wait, no... at least she changed the order of the tracks!... 

    girl let me me live, i said this because in an earlier page someone said waterfall was not going to be part of the album and that ATAP and maybe Boys could be (steam counts and what not), we dont know its just speculation. and if it was on the album I would have like it to be at least a mix.

    and yes I would prefer for her new album to be made entirely of new material we haven't heard but I'll love whatever she gives us because I am obsessed with her voice.  

    I also think its fun discussing about what the track list for XCX3 might be. 

  9. She also later apologized sating that she was just speaking on her own experiences with Dr. Luke and should have worded herself better (english isnt her first language) and that she thinks Kesha should be heard. 


    If Kesha stans spent half as much time buying her music as they do actively trying to tear down Kim for working with Luke, Kesha wouldn't have to publicly make false rape accusations against Luke saying that he raped Katy Perry and Lady Gaga (both of which have publicly said thats untrue). I really do feel bad for Kesha because I do believe she was verbally abused by Luke and that he made her time with Kemosabe a living hell, but these false allegations look really bad on her and her teams part.

    yeah the whole situation is just a mess, i feel bad for Kesha, thanks for letting me know that what Kim said was unintentional. I mostly just heard Kim stans says things like "Kesha lied, Dr. Luke CANT be a rapist and create something this good, Kesha should have shut her mouth, idc i'd let Dr. Luke keep raping Kesha or anything if he keeps making bops". They should really start mentioning what you just said.

  10. Look at Ari releasing another album soon even though it hasn't even been 3 months since her last one  :defeated:  I wish Atlantic gave Charli this type of freedom. We know she calls Pop 2 an album. I realize part of the reason why N1A and POP2 were born because Atlantic refused to greenlight her LP with Sophie but like what material do ya'll think we'd get if she released whatever she wanted? Do you think it'd be a lot different than what we have right now or more or less the same? 


    I assume she'd prolly tour and might not release album and after but one can dream!

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