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Everything posted by AlisonWonderland

  1. said the garbage that was exposed for not leaking round and round after it was teased again cause you don't have it.
  2. wait... Lana Del Rey the messiah or LOONA the girl band? That doesn't make sense. That's a September release. Unless she's releasing more than one song next week theres still a cancelled August because someone posted 56 songs. Learn math honey.
  3. What did she release in August genius?
  4. oh no a newb doesn't want me to quote them. I'm going to cry. She postponed it. Where was August's leak sweetheart? 56 songs later......!!?
  5. oldest meme. thanks grandpa decembersomethingwillbeposted
  6. If God (Charli) hated us why would she hire diplita to post old songs for us? No I meant to say "in" as a hint at whats coming in December for XCXmas.
  7. but everytime is my song right now
  8. You have to pull out the tough jokes to get to page 3000 so diplo can post Taxi.LOL Paul Ryan: callmeindecember was just trolling.
  9. Using a meme to justify your actions is very mature and legally justified. Wow you're 100% MAGA Trump.
  10. do you know what a meme is? I've never told someone to go back to "where they belong" thats not a meme. That's black segregation. You need therapy. says the person who ran to download XCX world the second it leaked last year
  11. sounds like what trump supporters tell mexicans. be decent nazi scum. I changed my mind after SOMEONE sent me Round and Round to shut me up along with next weeks real surprise info. srry. #Complicit
  12. You're the most woke person on here. I could care less about charts too. I just don't want her to quit music because Gay bottoms that learned code think they are God.
  13. Case and point. Yup! Names Alejandro Rojas. Y'all cum all over my Littlemonsteralejandro page. I made a third account so my main pages don't get deleted. I also hoard my own remakes and tease them to yall for sadistic fun. https://soundcloud.com/littlemonsteralejandro2/life-after-love
  14. Yea cause you live here and have no life. You're just mad cause you thought you were going to be exlusive and hoard it against someone who has a life and doesn't check this thread FOREVER.
  15. i'll post something at page 2,700.
  16. I also forgot 2018: Leaks 56 songs that don't include the one song she said was actually dead.
  17. That's like telling a rape victim "Why can't you wear normal shoes instead of heels or "why can't the 10 year old defend themselves against a pedophile?"
  18. They even lie now and say she was going to cancel the album anyway and that she blames it on the leak. Imagine the sociopathy it takes to convince yourself that. Music Mafia got cancelled for a reason. I'm just glad I scammed them for Gaga snippets before they went.
  19. HACKER TIMELINE: 2016: Hacked her 2017: Leaked her new album, album gets pushed back, tracks get cancelled 2018: Leaking new material, monthly drop gets cancelled, tracks get cancelled LOL just leave her alone and stop ruining her career for people like us that actually respect her.
  20. I'm starting to think hackers want to ruin Charli. Instead of leaking things she's done with they leak shit that's supposed to be sold or the next single. Don't get me started on Bloom For You asking to trade and buying shit in PMs.
  21. So the hackers know Round and Round is dead but they won't leak it but 1999 is a single so they're leaking it? So hackers hate Charli and want her to be unsuccessful.
  22. Does the post chorus of Round and Round say: Round and round and round round and round - Rou-R-RRoud-Round_ROund"?
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