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Posts posted by Elle

  1. 15 minutes ago, ivory almond said:

    how do i keep doing doxxing myself i cant

    You doxxing yourself saved you from a ban once if you recall since your VPN IP address matched with that of a banned member (who had also doxxed themselves lmao)

    Anyway, whenever you share a TikTok while you’re signed in, it’ll show the account. Just share it from a browser while not signed in lol x 

  2. 14 minutes ago, pin up galore said:

    these are incredible :angie: new themes are always so fun I love all the color choices for the buttons n shit 


    I'm so happy you like them as choosing colours is honestly the most stressful part of designing the themes LOL the amount of changes each of these themes went through from their initial concept to the finished product.. definitely took me awhile! Unfortunately, us Libras are infamous for our indecisiveness! Xx

  3. 2 hours ago, bluechemtrails said:

    maybe it's a hint for a re-release, but this time with e :oprah4:

    Perhaps so…


  4. 32 minutes ago, Elle said:

    "I read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." Had nothing to do with money. I switched from the business program into becoming a philosophy major because his major point was to burn all bridges except to plan A. Absolutely no plan B. Now at that point I was 18 so the wake of my past had not crashed in. Life hadn't happened, and I was very open to only having a plan A and I was thrilled with it up until about the age of 26 when life was complicated by then after I became a little more well-known."


    This bit of her speech reminds me of this quote she said at the Williamsburg Songwriter's Competition in 2006 - "I've met people who know that music is the only thing that they want to do with their lives, and that's always reassuring to me 'cause I don't have a backup plan."


  5. Here's a transcription of her speech that I've just completed - 

    "Thank you. Okay, okay. Really quickly, I want to say I feel like I've been in the middle of a litigation and also the middle of a new war. Shots fired. And then with this performance, for a minute it was like an orchestra was on stage and I was in the middle of a 50s ballroom. I want to say really quickly to David, when you were speaking about Spotify, I had a flashback to when I was very young and I had this idea of what adults were going to be like and how they were going to treat children and take care of them and take care of each other. I don't know if I've ever not met anyone like you. Thank you for reminding me that there are people who still speak in sentences that I understand that resonate with how I feel and say things I don't want to say about things I feel really strongly about that I forget that I feel strongly about. I don't know. It was really, really interesting, so thank you for that. & Jody, Jody, I mean can we get a round of applause for Jody Gerson? To be up here with her obviously is an award in itself. I'm not unaware of that. To have Stephen Huvane sitting with me and my manager Ed Millett of 15 years is a privilege. I don't know, you kind of have to be in this room to know how important and special that is. God, I just felt like Erin Brockovich for a minute in the middle of this. It's perfect. Okay. This is just like the Ivors where I had nothing to say and then I heard all of the information and now I have so much to say. Well, I'm from Lake Placid, New York. It's six hours north of here. If you go through the Cascades, there's really only one way to go. Until I was 16, there was only about 900 people there. Coldest village in the nation other than the city of Duluth by the way. Fucking freezing. I graduated from Rose Hill up in the Bronx with a focus on metaphysics. I don't what's happening up here but we're going to go with it 'cause I was thinking about it down there when everybody was talking and I was like, okay, I'll paint a really quick picture of what it was like when I was getting into music. I was at Fordham up in the Bronx. I read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." Had nothing to do with money. I switched from the business program into becoming a philosophy major because his major point was to burn all bridges except to plan A. Absolutely no plan B. Now at that point I was 18 so the wake of my past had not crashed in. Life hadn't happened, and I was very open to only having a plan A and I was thrilled with it up until about the age of 26 when life was complicated by then after I became a little more well-known, but up until then my only friends really were in the books that I read. Napoleon Hill, things like that, or Esther Hicks "Ask and It Is Given." These wonderful writers encouraging me to have an invisible counsel if I didn't have a real counsel yet, which I do now with the most famous lawyers, managers, publishers in the world, but it took a lot of imagination. I didn't have to fake it 'til I made it. I had to really feel it. That's something that's really hard now as life has gotten more complicated. I've heard that the further along you go down a path, the path gets more narrow, and so it's up to me to try and widen that path, so I feel excited, as excited as I did then. I work on it every day. The people I work with certainly make that easier. I guess I'm not often surprised, but I was really surprised by that speech and by everything, so thank you for that and thank you for this. I probably know at least 20% of the audience here which might surprise the rest of everybody, but congratulations to everybody. What a beautiful performance as well, so, thank you."



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