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About lanadelkiller

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  1. I prefer "the rocker era", my personal preference in clothing and such. And I kinda feel like the whole vintage look was made only for Born to Die.
  2. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey? In autumn 2011, I heard her in the radio with 'Video Games' 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music? Video Games hahah 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle? The ginger hair all the way. I love how she used to do the "real big beauty queen styled hair" 4: Favorite live performance? I love her cover of Heart-shaped box 5: Favorite lyric? Hmmm maybe "I had a dream that I was fine, I wasn't crazy, I was divine" or "There's no remedy for memory" 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? Probably. Yes. 7: Favorite facial feature? Eyes 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? I kinda wish that she'd admit that she's had a plastic surgery. Of course it's a private thing but it's too obvious to deny. 9: Have you ever met Lana? Paradise Tour in 2013. I was just at her concert so haven't talked to her or anything. 10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? Nirvana 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? I used to be quite obsessed, now I'm just regular fan, still obsessed with her imago and life tho. 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? Nah, I've learned from the tv shows that don't trust zombies, they will only want to eat you.
  3. I would say that Ultraviolence is her best album so it's quite hard to choose. Best ones: Pretty when you cry, Ultraviolence and Is this happiness Worst one: Guns n roses
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