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Posts posted by SylviaPlath

  1. Stop overthinking the politicisation of Lana's music. The rampant mass shootings in the US are enough to deeply effect anyone enough to pen a song about. The lack of specificity and dreaminess of the lyrics are just her method of expressing discontent with the current political climate and gun violence. Do you really want her to be more specific? Yeah, there are millions of issues that she could be singing about; there is an endless list of things wrong in the world. But considering the intensity of the media coverage of mass shootings and the potency of gun culture in America, I think this makes sense. I couldn't really imagine her singing about homelessness or trans rights or something (those are valid issues, too). This is something that directly effects all of the US and considering Lana's love for Americana in the past it makes sense that it would effect her on an emotional level. 


    The song is great. The lyrics are beautiful. You can criticise the music, but criticising her choice of topic is just so redundant and dumb. Gun violence isn't a first world issue. It's something that effects literally everyone.

  2. maybe just think of them as individual pieces of work. if someone published a poetry book and they used lowercase in one poem and uppercase in another it wouldn't really matter. it just denotes the mood or style of writing the author is trying to get across.


    looking at the songs as individual pieces of work - it feel right for hope to have lowercase.

    imagine after all this time she doesn't even release a coloured vinyl this era.



    i think i'll just have to embrace it as very lana... like her poetry snippets, they were often messy and not punctuated properly. i guess it adds a more organic feel.

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