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Faded Heart

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Posts posted by Faded Heart

  1. I was so disappointed it got pushed back. My boyfriend leaves for the army tomorrow so would have been nice to get a new album to listen to  :aw:


    I forget to add that I'm loving the snippets, can't wait for Slow Love  :flutter:

  2. ASTR

    I heard Operate forever ago and finally got their EP.


    I want a physical copy

    I want one too but I think they will only be selling vinyl, could be wrong though.

  3. ASTR

    I like Razorblade and Operate <3 I haven't heard anything else by them (yet)


    I love Operate too! I wasn't too sure on Razor I just found it harder to get into for some reason, but it's starting to grow on me now. 


    I hope you check the rest of the tracks out ;)

  4. ASTR

    New pop duo I have been getting into recently. They have just released their first EP Varsity.


    Check them out, they are very 80's/grimey(?) sounding (I suck at explaining music, but if anyone has seen the film Fletch their song "R U With Me" sounds like something straight out of that)


    Here are some songs:





    They also covered Drake's Hold On We're Going Home:





    You can find a few more song's there


    Official Website:



    Their EP is on itunes in the UK/US, I don't know about anywhere else sorry.


  5. Don't Wanna Dance is premiering on Radio 1 on Thursday night from 7.30pm


    Another snippet of the song but it doesn't really feature anything new just higher quality than the amazon snippet


  6. I'll send it to you when I get it :)


    Really sorry to butt in but could I have it too please? I have a few of her songs but not much.


    Thank you if you can :)

  7. I'm slowly getting into her but I'm sorta on a Lana binge right now which is making listening to anything else difficult  :icant: . I heard the minimix of a few songs from the album and I liked what I heard. 

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