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Everything posted by coneyisland

  1. I bought my tickets! I'm so excited and I can't wait!
  2. Lana won't be at Espacio Broadway, but she will perform in another event organized by TF4 and the details will be announced in the next days source: http://www.latercera.com/noticia/entretencion/2013/08/661-536075-9-lana-del-rey-viene-a-cantar-a-chile-pero-no-se-presentara-en-festival-primavera.shtml
  3. haha i'm just telling you what my mother's boyfriend told me, he works there as a dj! like i said, don't take it as an official information, he's just a dj there, and he can be wrong!
  4. My mother's boyfriend works as dj on Espacio Brodway, he assured me that she will be there! but don't take it as an official info. Hope she's going to perform here, because I will have the opportunity to meet her
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