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Posts posted by Shaw

  1. To Be Human suffers from the same faux-wokeness as Savages, which is why it's such a terrible song. Aside from saying 'human bad', what else actually is there on the song, besides loads of clunky lines (the Lenin one being the best example of this)? She's not saying anything new or anything near as deep as she thinks she is, which is one of the biggest flaws that reoccurs throughout Love + Fear. 

    I do like the record, but her ego has been so inflated that she believes she's being psychological and analytical, which she fails to do at any point on the album, and can't take any criticism directed at her because of this. Marina should have just billed this as her happy, chart-y music and left it at that. It's a good album, just not a good Marina one.

    I think she is more sincere than acting ‘woke’. It’s just a song setting the scene of all the things that had made her question existence and sharing her experience with spending a long amount of time wondering why things happen and why we are the way we are. I think it would’ve been an issue of ego if she tried to state that she knew the reason for it all or provided the pinnacle answer. But instead she is just writing about her thoughts and life and sharing how she is similar to everybody else in being confused about the human condition. I personally relate to that and I feel a lot of comfort in listening to someone sing about that in a song, it’s nice to not be presented with a reason or answer. She said she wants to feel human again and want connection to end the song and she’s doing that on some scale with writing this music to share with everyone. You guys are so harsh

  2. One evening my old group of friends and I had stayed over at one of our houses, he had a forest at the foot of his house. We had a lot of vodka and decided to go out into the woods at like 2am. We were just messing around and having a good time. We came across a fallen tree trunk and each of us took a seat on it. I started playing Brooklyn baby from my phone speaker and sang along with it. Then all 4 of us were singing along together by the last 2 minutes of it. It was really beautiful, I wish I could go back and experience it again

  3. Just wanted to say the Love + Fear tour live does it a lot more justice than the videos that we’d seen posted. I love the album now, at first it was a bit of a shock and a hard hit of change to what she normally releases but I really enjoy what she’s doing and most of the album is just as stellar at her older work but just in a different vein of production. Seeing her in person was surreal, she has the aura of a goddess. Would recommend going to see the tour tbh it heightens the appreciation of the album x100. Hearing Superstar live changed my entire perception of the song- other faves were Karma, FROOT, and I’m a Ruin was so fun to hear live as she had the whole crowd sing the hook with her. Wish I could go back and experience it all again.

  4. LMFAO I called AllAccess and  she said I've called too much about the Lana Del Rey song and I said I didn't even call before. And then I called MediaBase which she said they get everything from and the guy said there was nothing in the system and then said he is a bigger fan of Lana than me. I'll post recording.Recording: https://picosong.com/w83Eu/


    That was so funny, I can't.

    I can’t cope with this

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