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silver starlet

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Posts posted by silver starlet

  1. Don't really know what I think of the cover tbh. It sure is a beautiful photo of Lana. It just feels... a little amateurish and simple... uhhh.gif Don't kill me britdrown.gif

    yeah no I agree... like I could make the same thing on Paint. oh well Lana looks hot

  2. i'm 5 ft too :crai: i can usually make my way to the front at concerts by either just ducking through the crowd or making people feel sorry for me  :hairflip:  but i'm not sure if i've ever been to a concert that was as crowded as this one has been, and i don't wanna get separated from anyone i'm with.

    so yeah if you can, just try to make it through the crowd to the front and people most likely won't get mad because you won't be blocking their view


    Bradley having another meltdown.



    @brvdleysoileau 21m

    funny how most of you little minions hated me, for a reason that was false, now you're all back to loving me. sad little children.

    @brvdleysoileau 20m

    you guys gotta grow up and learn to think for yourselves










  4. courtney is my favorite i think (used to be adore but idk im kind of over her) Gia Gunn was TRASH and i'm so glad she went home, even tho i havent even seen that ep. yet. I wish Laganja or Darianne Lake went home instead of Milk. Trinity (Dentures) is really gorgeous imo but she sucks at like every single challenge and the lip syncs always save her  :biblio: she'll probably go home next

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