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Everything posted by larina

  1. And the remix will once again be the only popularity Lana gets.
  2. Yeah, lol. I have it (mixed with a Katy Perry song) as my Twitter name lol. I don't know if it's just the "Cool" in the title, but that title does sound cool to me. Is anyone else the same?
  3. larina

    Song vs. Song

    Blue Jeans VS Body Electric
  4. That's so cheap! Oh, wait, is the Canadian(?) dollar the same value as the American dollar? Because I know the Australian dollar is a bit more than the American dollar.
  5. larina

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games VS Blue Jeans
  6. larina

    Three-Word Story

    Once there was a semen thunderstorm at a public child's birthday party which made all the ladies scream in fear of their fabulous dresses. They drove to the dry cleaners to clean them where there were big purple dildos singing Lana Del Rey songs for free daddy sex which made the...
  7. larina

    Song vs. Song

    Ummm... Radio VS Ride
  8. I'd like to see what will happen to Fucked My Way To The Top, though. Will they forbid the song to be released as a single?
  9. larina

    Song On the Toilet

    Never let me go on the toilet
  10. @ OK, the hair bit over the "ULTRAVIOLENCE" looks spastic, I only had less than half an hour to do it, but here it is: EDIT: It looks more spastic than I thought
  11. OK, thanks for wanting to see it. And yeah, that's true! Thanks!
  12. Me too. I might just create one myself. I feel like using Photoshop, even though I am not good at using it.
  13. Yup, me too. But I like official artworks.
  14. Maybe Lana is doing this to get this going...
  15. larina

    Song On the Toilet

    :omfg2: this actually makes perfect sense, like someone who needs to drive somewhere to get to the toilet but their driving super fast because they are busting. Gramma said that somewhere out there there's a good man on the toilet.
  16. Yes. Do you own a massive CD collection?
  17. larina

    Three-Word Story

    Once there was a semen thunderstorm at a public child's birthday party which made all the ladies scream in fear of their fabulous dresses. They drove to the dry cleaners to clean them where there was big purple dildos singing Lana Del Rey songs for...
  18. larina

    Song vs. Song

    Cola VS West Coast
  19. larina


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