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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Yeah probably, I’m sure once she’s ready to release something new next year under her new contract and after a good break she’ll be back on social as per normal. Would be nice for her to come back for Born To Dies 10th Anniversary in January tbh.
  2. You just know Shirley stans Lana so fucking hard.
  3. It’s just not a Lana era without mess.
  4. I just think it’s hilarious that the roll out for this new album has been so good, especially compared to Chemtrails and now she’s all “here’s my old passport photo, oh and i’m leaving public view now, enjoymynewalbumbye”. She never fails to surprise
  5. At the 24 second mark you can hear a glock click sound, obviously someones pointing a gun at her. Probably the illuminati.
  6. I’m frustrated too, so what? She’s a person, she’s not a robot, she gonna fell a million different things all the time. All this drama about how sad and tragic this is just weird to me. She comes across perfectly normal in the video and gives a completely acceptable reason for the break.
  7. Lol ya’ll are so dramatic. She’s taking a break from social media, big deal, lots of people should probably do it. She seems totally chill and happy and is clearly just wanting to detach a little while still working. She doesn’t seem sad or whatever some of you are saying, it’s probably one of the healthiest things anyone can do. Good for her. She’ll come back at some point, she’s not dead.
  8. I’m hoping so. Chemtrails was so amazing, but White Dress was awful and we never got Blue Banisters (which looked boring anyway).
  9. I mean i don’t want it, but Madonna is a music legend…..Marina and Melanie especially are scraps compared to her lol, gurl come on
  10. I really love the video, i honestly didn’t think much of it when i first saw it, just felt like another home made whatever effort, it was more about the song for me. On more viewings though the video is a real vibe imo, just everything, the cheap motel room, the yellow cardigan, the gyrating, the projections on her body, the sunglasses, and then the random outro etc. i really like it. Especially after the AWFUL White Dress video and what looks like a very dull Blue Banisters video.
  11. Olivia Rodego? You know what i mean, the one with the license song that my 15 year old neighbour keeps showing me vidoes of and i’m literally like “i’m too old for this shit” everytime. Edit: Ok Olivia Rodriguez, i looked her up.
  12. I mean, that may make sense if Chemtrails wasn’t her best reviewed album of her career and a chart success. Wasn’t it her 5th number 1 album in the Uk tied with Celine Dion? This was all after the events of last year. Arcadia isn’t really a high buzz track surely? It’s slow, it’s very much what we have seen from her before, the video is basic (though i like it). It will reach the audience that knows she’s doing music but aside from that i can’t imagine it will have cross over appeal. The song is getting good reviews and the album will no doubt do well. She’s into a 10 year career very soon, she won’t exactly be catching the same hype she used to. She’s not too far from turning 40 too! She’s 37 next year, she’s not really on younger audiences lips nowadays, they have that Olivera Domingo or whatever it’s called person now. Lana is an album artist pretty much, with the occasional video/song “taking off”. It’s how most long term careers go pretty much. I wouldn’t invest too much worry into it.
  13. Guuuurl, i don’t think there has been a single artist to release this much music in a decade other than Lana. She CLEARLY cannot stop making music, we have a new album every 18 months, this year we have 2 within 7 months. She’s not going anywhere.
  14. Well that’s why i’m asking, because i have no idea who they are. Good to hear.
  15. How legit is this boz guy? They seem to only be talking about songs that we all have access to as demos, they seem to have nothing to say about any of the tracks no one has heard. I sense LIES.
  16. I can’t wait for Oct 22 when she releases BB and then announces her next album for 2023.
  17. Watch it not be on the album, it would be such a typical mess thing for her to do
  18. I know this is a first world problem, but releasing an album with 25 different covers that are all good is genuinely distressing as a consumer.
  19. Does anyone know what breed of dog Tex and Mex are? I’m going to do a BB artwork and i need lots of references for the dogs…..
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