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Posts posted by alidusi

  1. Ummmm they removed "high heels on" but maintained "I know if I go..."? Wearing high heels is bad but romanticizing sadness and suicide is ok? In fact the main subject of the song is not suitable for kids at all so why did they cover it?  This whole situation is mind boggling.



    i know they just want to cover any popular song and they don't care the affect it has ya know


    i mean kids that listen to this stuff aren't gonna understand but still 


    also it actually really bothers me that they took out high heels on what the fuck is wrong with high heels 


    but i don't like how they used this song just because they aren't going to understand the meaning they're still gonna be listening to it and singing along to it and that's just 

  2. Overall rating: 7.5/10 i guess

    First impression: didn't like it at all. thought it was really weird

    Impression now: i like it much more now but it's still not my one of my favorites and i still think it's weird lol

    iTunes plays: i don't use itunes 

    Songs I play along with it: i don't know?? maybe smarty

    What I like about it: the chorus 

    What I dislike about it: i don't really how she like whisper talk sings(??) for so much of it

    Memories I associate with this song: none really lol

    Colors/images that come to mind: dull purples and blues and greens

    Favorite lyrics: hmm i don't maybe you call me lavender you call me sunshine but i'm probably thinking that because i like the way her voice sounds when she sings it more than any other part of the song

    Interpretation: i don't have one tbh

    This song makes me feel: tired i guess but like in a good way if that makes any sense??

    Favorite part of the song: chorus i think


    First impression: This was the first Lana song I ever heard and I thought it was a fucking brilliant masterpiece. It my second favorite song of all time, ever in existence. It's pretty much responsible for my Lana addiction. 


    just out of curiosity, what's your number one favorite song? 

  4. Overall rating: ★★★★

    First impression: absolutely flawless 

    Impression now: hasn't changed, if anything i like it more

    iTunes plays: i'm not even gonna check because i know it's extremely low idk why but i always listen on my phone

    Songs I play along with it: does this mean like what songs i think of? i always associate this with blue jeans 

    What I like about it: everything i love the lyrics, the beat. you can feel her emotions and it's just perfect i love everything about it 

    What I dislike about it: literally nothing

    Memories I associate with this song: the first time i heard it. i had just started getting into lana and someone had said something about it and i hadn't heard it so i went on youtube and listened and fell in love 

    Colors/images that come to mind: during the chorus i think of reds and during the "because i'm crazy" verses i think of deep blues and purples. it depends on which part of the song. during some parts i picture the actual scene happening.

    Favorite lyrics: don't make me choose 

    Interpretation: she's in love with a criminal but she can't help it. it's not even a conflict, she wouldn't change it for anything. she's ok with him being the way he is. she even feels it goes both ways -- that she's a mess too but he'll still love her unconditionally. she feels like as long as they have each other they can do anything


    i love this song sooo much i think it's my favorite on btd but i suck at choosing favorites. this song is flawless and definitely some of her best work

  5. From which song are the lyrics "I hear that you like the bad girls honey, is that true?" 


    Correct: Video Games

    Wrong: Born to Die

    Wrong: Lolita

    Wrong: Lucky Ones


    In which month is Lana Del Rey's birthday?


    Correct: June

    Wrong: July

    Wrong: February

    Wrong: December


    Lana Del Rey made an album called Sirens under what name?


    Correct: May Jailer

    Wrong: June Jailer

    Wrong: May Junior

    Wrong: Mary Jailer


    What state is Lana Del Rey from?


    Correct: New York

    Wrong: California

    Wrong: Florida

    Wrong: Rhode Island


    Chuck is the nickname of Lana Del Rey's: 


    Correct: Sister

    Wrong: Brother

    Wrong: Cousin

    Wrong: Mother


    Lana Del Rey's Young and Beautiful reached what place in Billboard's The Hot 100 chart? (did i word this question correctly? i'm getting it from here http://www.billboard.com/artist/306420/lana-del-rey/chart)


    Correct: 22

    Wrong: 15

    Wrong: 45

    Wrong: 30

  6. Which of the following songs that Lana Del Rey sings is a cover and not an original?


    Correct: Blue Velvet

    Wrong: Born to Die

    Wrong: Video Games

    Wrong: Gods & Monsters


    On which album is the song Kill Kill found?


    Correct: Lana Del Ray aka Lizzy Grant

    Wrong: Born to Die

    Wrong: Sirens

    Wrong: Ultraviolence 

  7. How many siblings does Lana Del Rey have?


    Correct: 2

    Wrong: 1

    Wrong: 0

    Wrong: 3


    What is the name of Lana Del Rey's father?


    Correct: Rob

    Wrong: Roger

    Wrong: Rod

    Wrong: Roy


    From which song are the lyrics "everybody told me love was blind" taken from?


    Correct: Lucky Ones

    Wrong: Lolita

    Wrong: Video Games

    Wrong: National Anthem


    i'm thinking of more!! 

  8. finally someone who likes lucky ones!! i didn't know it was so hated until i joined this website where everyone thinks it's terrible but i love it 


    anyway my favorites are




    black beauty

    chelsea hotel no 2

    diet mountain dew

    driving in cars with boys

    hawaiin tropic


    hundred dollar bill


    the man i love

    million dollar man

    never let me go


    pawn shop blues

    prom song gone wrong


    serial killer

    this is what makes us girls

    true love on the side

    tired of singing the blues

    tv in black and white

    velvet crowbar




  9. she's nominated for a nomination along with 74 other songs. the final nominations will be announced on january 16 (4 days after the golden globes) and the awards are on march 2. i think it's likely she will be nominated, she won't even have to compete with adele since she won that award last year and lana's song is probably the soundtrack song that was the most successful in 2013

    oh ok thank you! is there anywhere to see the other nominations 

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