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Mind Melt

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Posts posted by Mind Melt

  1. Yea as I was writing that last I was surprised that Richard guy had 3+ tracks.


    Does anyone have my list above? If so, would you be long enough to send my way?


    i dont have a link atm but ive posted one here at least 10 times before 

  2. The winner(s) (keeping it a mystery for good measure lol) got leaked a few days ago, with the psycho fans spamming the spoilers everywhere, taking away any last chance of a thrill.  :crossed:



    girl tyra sanchez has been posting it everywhere lmfao

  3. wow well im glad i never watched this season. seems as though each season (all stars or regular) just gets worse and worse. why is it that as things enter the mainstream they usually go to shit lol?


    its their fault

    they're running the show into the ground. the challenges are becoming shit because they have the same people churning out the same crap so they can pump seasons out faster


    i think why as2 worked so well is because they took the time to let the girls grow after as1 and the elimination twist was fresh.

    the whole format is stale and the lip sync assassin change was a cool idea but i think it ended up being detrimental because it is so clearly rigged


    and the judging is just so inconsistent now

  4. idk whether I should order the picture disc or the normal version because I do want the gatefold cover and everyone always says picture discs are bad quality but I've never had one. But it's so pretty!


    oh there's a gatefold too? work

    ugh i dont have the money to be buying all the different variants for this album i just know theres gonna be at least 3 for COCC and who knows about the other book coming later

    this woman really thinks im made of money huh


    if you rly plan on playing the record tho id def get the standard. the picture disc rly is more for show imo

  5. idk i'm not really seeing the attack on mental illness.. it definitely is a poor choice of wording though

    this to me seems a case like lanas where her words are being taken out of context (at the mariners apartment complex)

  6. i’m afraid that darkest hour & martyr might belong to the scrapped album :/ i wish i knew the timeline of what she worked on when


    joanna is nice but the last three singles are meh, lamp lady probs the best of the three


    martyr & darkest hour are my faves overall

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