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That G.U.Y

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  1. Elina liked a post in a topic by That G.U.Y in Cher   
    As soon as you add 'Lloyd' to the end of Cher, you get a product 10000x less than the original 
  2. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by That G.U.Y in Trash Magic * Madly   
    great work! 
  3. vmbb liked a post in a topic by That G.U.Y in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    That looks great!
  4. Mileena liked a post in a topic by That G.U.Y in Lady Gaga stealing song ideads from Lana Del Rey!?!   
    1) Princess Die wasn't about the Princess, hence the 'e' on the end.
    2) R.Kelly wrote the verse he sings in Do What U Want 
    *case closed*

  5. Foolish liked a post in a topic by That G.U.Y in Cher   
    As soon as you add 'Lloyd' to the end of Cher, you get a product 10000x less than the original 
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