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Everything posted by Air

  1. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    The same story every time
  2. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    And ntmt still eats her entire ass up aaaa my fave
  3. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    She has a much stronger voice than rina sawayama and jennie... and much better songs too! Sit this one out.
  4. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Tamaryn said that the lyric she wrote was "Used to think God's inside a bomb" instead of song... but the lyrics say "All"....saurrrrrr Anyways she says she's most proud of writing AMLD
  5. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Her playing pretty dull is so funny cuz somehow she always snatches BACK... My faith reinvigorated
  6. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    She's giving warmth and health
  7. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    don't knock don't knock
  8. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    show tonight, lets pray for rain (new songs)
  9. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    all my lovers die just sitting on youtube
  10. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    She'll say something before her shows for sure
  11. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    I mean what is she gonna say, "thanks for listening, sorry for delay I never wanted this to happen, my hands are tied, March comes in like a lion, fire baptism..."
  12. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    This album has lived multiple lives, from sound and concept... so much of the leaks represent an exploring stage. More than half of the songs on our fan made masochism albums aren't even finished, and doubt we're even serious contenders to be on a tracklist...
  13. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    There has never been a tracklist
  14. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    It's not hate, it's fear lol
  15. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    UK dates, not bad. Guess I'll see her
  16. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Answer not received Because all my lovers die Had to let I bleeddd
  17. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    How has I pray for rain remained her best song She really went above and beyond
  18. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    There's obviously songs we don't know about it... Someone as perfectionist as Sky would never put out an album with what we currently have in this way. There's no cohesion, there's no thoughtful pacing, there's no overarching narrative structure.
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