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Everything posted by Air

  1. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Shes literally a legend, glad she feels committed to having music be her life. I have to smile
  2. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Last nights show panned.... AGAIN. I have never seen this much negative reception for someone I stan it's giving ego death https://soundvenue.com/musik/2022/06/sky-ferreira-var-tydeligt-frustreret-under-sit-rod-af-en-roskilde-koncert-485601
  3. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    I WILL was such a better album name Night time, hate crime litcherally the worst song on the alboom
  4. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    leak i'm not alright
  5. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Isn't there a set tonight?
  6. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    I just wanna hear your HEEaaAAArrrTtttttt
  7. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Sky edited the lyrics and song structure of EIE... stop the slander! Dev was bitter and has not made a song nearly as successful since
  8. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Sky is performing this Saturday in Belgium aaa, hopefully we get another all my lovers die performance
  9. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    last nights show receiving acclaim aaah I know 111 and Exodus are FUMINGGGG I have to laugh!
  10. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    oh wow she SLAYEDDD, the vocals devouringgg
  11. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    It's literally unacceptable. She has failed for 2 weeks straight.
  12. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Cmon Alice Glass!!
  13. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    her music is terrible, yes I actually think that. No I don't think her comments about sky were particularly cutting in the slightest. A weak attempt that only reveal her own insecurities. Moving ON
  14. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Halsey has contributed some of the worst alt pop in music history... I don't want her name spoken in a conversation about song of the 2010s haver miss ferreira Sky is a GOOD artist, like the actual work she has put out has stood against time, that's why we are all sitting fat in this thread every day. We just need the Album.
  15. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    wait she finally performed hands all over me... Anyone have a full video?
  16. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    I hope skyfupdates tweets "[CLOSED]" for the drama sksks No because it's bad BAD... Once this album is out I'm never speaking her name again
  17. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    All I really have to say about this past weekend is.... Stream Tamaryn Cranekiss and pray that she releases her next album soon
  18. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    She was not hitting a single note in all my lovers die but OPRAHHH It's perfect
  19. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    MASOCHISM Disc 1. Downhill Lullaby 2. Don't Forget 3. Descending 4. All My Lovers Die 5. Innocent Kind Covers Disc 1. Voices Carry 2. Hands All Over Me 3. Jump In The River Guardian Disc 1. Guardian 2. Legends 3. Pray For Rain
  20. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    The setlist was literally legendary I HATE
  21. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    I think she only sang dont forget, heavy metal heart and you're not the one....
  22. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    She's literally the most cursed flop in pop history...
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