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Everything posted by Air

  1. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Apparently they kicked sky off the stage
  2. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    There's no way shes pressing the upload button for the mv while she's abroad
  3. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    The 1-8 PUNCHHH if she played the smashes (I DON'T wanna hear DHL! It's not even a singy kind of song. Keep it for masochism tour and let's put smiles on the locals faces at these festivals please!) 1, 24 Hours 2, Don't Forget 3, You're Not The One 4, All My Lovers Die 5, I Blame Myself 6, Descending 7, I Will 8, Everything is Embarrassing
  4. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Not to be mentally ill but I hope she performs all my lovers die or something NEW... I'm excited for the first don't forget performance but I want another new fully played song so I can agonize over it for years before it comes out.
  5. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    isn't the main issue that sky won't let go of her label because she still wants to have their support, access and resources... It's a toxic relationship but I think she hopes she gets something out of them after all these years.
  6. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Tamaryn said on her story that DF is the first of a couple of songs coming out that they wrote together so... I'm NOT despairing about there being no material. There IS. ... Well you could have that EP today then!
  7. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    I'm guessing October
  8. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Been listening obsessively and it seems obvious (?) that Don't Forget is about her terrible relationship with Capitol and people who've fucked her over. I think the lyric might actually be "Used to think God's inside us all" which makes sense, her belief in people is broken she trusts nobody. "Big dreams, sick dreams" evokes power hunger and egomania, standing in her way, shelving her ideas etc. "Terrorize the whole community" feels like it could both be about her mighty power/the truth coming to light, or maybe even something like stan culture somehow. "Aren't you prepared for the saddest century" (?) Hard to parse this line. Definitely the most hamfisted melody, but an interesting lyric, possibly about the end of the world ie climate change, the demise of the industry in general, tying to fire/burning down. There's definitely a fight fire with fire attitude about everything she's singing in general. I wonder how this will pan out on the album. If she has more ideas about human nature, betrayal, forgiveness, how she goes about her life spiritually. Descending lyrically seems more about an ex
  9. Air

    Sky Ferreira

  10. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Do you guys think DF is the album opener? It kinda feels like it
  11. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Pray for rain is truly stunning and definitely easily one of her best, I can see how it was a transitional song made during these 9 years though. It compliments the soft side of her discog so well with tracks like eie, sad dream, ghost, all my lovers die. I want her to successfully build out her ballad and midtempo side with acoustic and atmospheric production. Guardian I do NOT want released...
  12. Air

    Sky Ferreira

  13. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Used to think gods inside a song Keep it in mind nobody here’s a friend of mine You can’t keep me in line In case you fail to recognize That I don’t forget Ho no I won’t forget I don’t forgive
  14. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Some of the riffs sound heavy metal heart'd yuppp
  15. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Girl I- this sounds like I'm getting dronebombed
  16. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Not ppl coming for SkyFUpdates... I was literally in a GC with them until recently and they were nothing but sweet and sociable, never played games or tried to be like a cult leader or anything. They have contact with some people close to Sky but they don't literally know the exact way things are gonna go lol. Pretty low of you to go after someone just because there's an absence of content...
  17. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    Don't Forget isn't getting shelved.... We are literally working with the same plan that she revealed in 2019, Don't forget with the MV... that's what she teased last month and it is coming...
  18. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    if you think hatchie served even remotely what masochism is supposed to be then you don't deserve it lol...
  19. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    We must be close like, these snippets are both HQ. Hopefully this month we get BOTH
  20. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    I hope the album art is pink
  21. Air

    Sky Ferreira

    They miss the torturedd little giiirl.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKMPCC1aVdo
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