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Posts posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. 6-D9-D5-ADF-F490-4749-84-A9-D1936260-E00

    Lana Del Rey's 9th studio album, "The Departure", is set to be released February 2023. She explores a sultry, sexy, jazz-influenced sound hidden behind angry lyricism and sometimes screaming vocals. She harkens back to her days of "Ultraviolence" and "Honeymoon", but with a more mature tone. Father John Misty also makes an appearance on the track Discrete Night Calls, a seemingly "sister" track to her predecessor, Dealer. "The Departure" is not a fairwell, but an invitation to something greater. Pre-order out this December.

  2. 1 minute ago, NikoGo said:

    I just got chills thinking about getting a real album trailer. She wanted a huge one so I’m thinking an 8 minute one that’s going to go past the last two years, and end with the night time Neil photo shoot. I honestly think it’s going to just be uploaded randomly to YouTube without warning and then she’ll post about it later on Honeymoon. I don’t think there’s going to be an announcement of an announcement. 

    i really hope she brings them back tbh. her album trailers are nothing but iconic and visually stunning. it'd be a great way to tease new music, especially with her artist socials deactivated. 

  3. 1 minute ago, bluechemtrails said:

    If you think about it ... the stolen laptop probably contained material from the new album. As long as Lana doesn't reveal anything, the thieves don't know what of the music belongs to the album and what not. If the thieves knew that, it would probably be bad for Lana, plus they could make a lot more money with it.

    plus, her producers definitely have the album on back up. there's no way they don't. so, i don't foresee the album really being delayed by much, if at all.

  4. 1 minute ago, TropicoHeart said:

    How many albums would you like Lana to have? She’s released almost 10 albums in 11 years, most artist release 3-4 albums in that time period, even less. I think she for sure could have like 20 albums in total :excited:

    she can stop at LDR30. i'll allow that. :oprah3:

  5. Just now, NikoGo said:

    I have a feeling once it’s like close close they’ll start spilling. Boz has already teased and eclipse has started to tease, troll, and have fun so I think we’re in the final stages 


    Just now, Venice Peach said:

    Unless the announcement was coming today so 1h earlier wouldn't hurt anyone :creepna:

    so trew. let's move again. LDR9 announcement tomorrow!!  :understand:

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