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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. i really really hope it’s under a different title too. IYC sounds a little generic.
  2. wow just looking at this fake tracklist makes me realize how many songs(and snippets) we’ve already heard... kinda wish she’d either added more songs or just not of teased as many tracks as she did. :/
  3. did anyone see any more sketchy russian websites with possible album “info” on it?
  4. ugh where is she??? probs doing baddie stuff in switzerland. :/
  5. oh shit i forgot i have to be rich... or at least beg my parents for a small loan of $50,000. (:
  6. this is so annoying like what can i do for lana to notice me & give me nfr info wtfff
  7. https://twitter.com/veivetropic/status/1154183444114468864?s=21 what would be august 17th? like she has no performances. i’m just curious.
  8. that’s true. i do get that. i think for me personally, i just don’t entirely feel it fits the album. but i’m thinking that’ll change once i play it in full. (:
  9. so i’ve been thinking about “hope is a dangerous thing..” in terms of being on the album and i’m not sure how i feel. like i LOVE the song just because it’s so personally beautiful and i can relate, but it being on NFR feels so strange and out of place to me. mainly cuz of the fact that “hope..” is a mid-winter i’m-super-depressed song and not an end of the summer, early fall song. seasonally, it just does not fit the august release. therefore, i don’t think it should be on NFR. plus, it’s not really cohesive w MAC, VB, and the other snippets we’ve gotten so far. don’t get me wrong though, i love love love the song. just not for the new album.
  10. in the car, in the car, in the backseat, I’M YOuR baBy...
  11. i hope the album is filled w songs that use lots of strings but also some other songs w psychedelic guitar surf vibes... imagine THE POWER the album would have with those instrumentals.
  12. i will LAUGH so loud if she performs this last show without giving us any news or not mentioning the album. just watch her be silent about it.
  13. y’all this makes me so excited like this is the best news (that didn’t even come from lana herself) which means the album is fucking coming!!!!
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