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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. all i know is that this is fucking mess.both ben and lana need to get their shit together.
  2. he said “album and book being finished” meaning the two are not completely done yet
  3. this is all thanks to @terrence’s psychic powers. iconic.
  4. you know what i’d be totally okay with? if lana dropped a little EP in March with the three singles she’s put out as well as IYC, cinnamon, and HIAB for some hype and to keep us happy. then in mid-late summer drop the new record with completely new songs. like my mind is powerful but hers... lately... this will never happen. lol. just in my dreams. (:
  5. do you think she’ll change the album name too lol i wouldn’t be surprised but the name grew on me so i’d be disappointed
  6. how dare u say that about witchy legend stevie nicks... have you not heard of the iconic 70s band fleetwood mac? lmao.
  7. someone’s getting cocky... but i hope you’re right (again). lol.
  8. imagine if lana livestreamed tonight and just fucking roasts us. lol.
  9. i knew i didn’t like ben when he gave me dirty looks when i was at barricade for the LA to the Moon tour. but at least he gave me water. still can’t stand him tho.
  10. i gotcha. i feel like ben and lana need to understand that we aren’t mad about an album taking time to make but it’s the fact that she released TWO singles all the way back in september then said the album is finished and mastered likeeee wtf
  11. i’m just as annoyed and frustrated as all of you but i’m worried that all of us attacking her will just make her pissed off and she’ll do some petty shit w the album. lol.
  12. once we hit 3000 pages, we’ll *maybe* get a release date. lol. fuck this mess.
  13. reported. thanks. terrence was right. this is our “news”. lmaooo.
  14. well this is gonna be another fun day of disappointment.
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