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Everything posted by pinupgirls

  1. Lets hope nothing tragic happens, but I could def. see it happening.
  2. Im a nobody and I would NEVER do that. It also makes me mad he feels so superior to other people. I remember him talking about how much he loved Lana, he even went to one of her first shows. Then he started talking smack about her on one of his fansites. I think he just hates everyone whos more successful than he is; but yet he wonders why he can't get to their level
  3. I hate hating on things, people especially. But this was just so upsetting. Its like her world seriously just sank. Imagine Lana doing something like that to you, how would you feel? (I know she would NEVER do that, im just trying to make a point, ha)
  4. We talked about this on ldr.fm, but I thought I would bring it up again. I get the feeling we are watching an icon being born right in front of us. Am I the only one who feels Lana could be the next Monroe?
  5. So I went to one of his shows, and he SUCKED. And this girl in front of me was waiting in line to meet him, and she was a bit overweight, and when it was her turn to go up and get a hug and get things signed, he said eww and scooted her away. Who does that? I mean seriously? That was her idol and he did that. I seriously can't even tell you how upset she was, it was awful. Ive never seen her like that before.
  6. pinupgirls

    USA Tour?

    Lana recently said at the Ride premiere when answering questions about possibly touring: "When asked about touring plans Del Rey dismissed the idea, proposing instead she and her fans meet every Sunday by the boardwalk for a walk on the beach." This makes me think she won't tour anytime soon, and possibly doesn't like it?
  7. I seriously cannot wait to hear this song. I definitely think it will be one of her best.
  8. Lets use this wonderful post to talk about how much he sucks and how much hes a dick.
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