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Posts posted by Dum-Dum

  1. 1 hour ago, Pop The Balloons said:

    I want don't think twice next ?


    i forgot where she said it but the one we heard was like a completely different version from i’m guessing what she plans to release (?) and i’m so excited to maybe get to hear what the final sounds like. but god i love the performance version we have of it soooo much 

  2. wait i read that “all the music you loved at sixteen, you’ll grow out of” line somewhere yesterday or the day before. did an insider tweet that line or did somebody say it here?

  3. 10 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

    Now i cant lie... tommy is so iconic on Click. I cant imagien listening to that fad remix sksjsjsk



    literally no bad songs on charli anymore- BIOYL and 1999 even still sound so fresh i sort of hate it :ma:

    kinda tea

    the “i wont fuck with a scrub but i love a bad bitch” line always bothered me. like why are we equating the two?

  4. 17 minutes ago, Heartmachine said:

    The “Charli” album is holding up insanely well… it’s so good. :defeated: 


    I still get so many of the songs stuck in my head, on any random given day… Click is still bonkers asffff!!! :toofunny: :toofunny:



    click full volume in the car is an experience. kim’s woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo AHHH ! and the way the bass hits rights there is sooo excellent 

  5. don’t know what to think of it yet but i know i definitely like it a lottttt more than solar power based on first listen. i can def see myself having this on replay if i’m in the mood. after having sat with solar power for a little while now, i only play it once every now and then and don’t reach for it and i think it’s going to stay that way. this is definitely a step up though. although i will say it kinda sounds like a song that would be released by another artist trying to go for a lorde-sounding song if that makes sense. 

  6. the chorus is definitely the weakest part but i ABSOLUTELY LOVE every other part. i’m excited to see what loona does after lsm not being a part of their sound anymore. i think so what and why not are sooooooooo great but from what i’ve seen everybody kinda hates those two. and i saw a lot more people saying they were excited to get back into them cause they like ptt more than their last two comebacks. anyways ….. it’s a fun song and i LOVEEEEEEEEEE wow. i love them doing that sound 

  7. that video of her saying “i think i might get a serpent-“ is so funnny omg. so album gonna be called serpentine or serpentina

  8. the “no, you cant” line delivery sounds so familiar for some reason. has she said something like that in a other song of hers? or am i thinking of another song 

  9. ok i listened and it’s definitely not the COMEBACK green light was but i can tell i’m totally gonna love this more with time and when i learn all the lyrics. but yeah it definitely is giving promo single vibes. not AMAZING but definitely not bad at all 

  10. ughhhhh haven’t kept up with her that much. but i remember JAMMING to switch lanes when it dropped. and simulation was my song of the summer for like three years in a row. let me jump back in 

  11. just went though the album and weirdly all the singles fit so much better in context with the whole album. i had low expectations cause i wasn’t obsessed with the singles at all but i actually kinda really liked it. flowers was my favorite 

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