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Posts posted by Dum-Dum

  1. Ok i just watched Black Christmas (1974) the other day and i wasn’t wowed when it was over but after a few days thinking about it later something about it gave me an even more creepy feeling than when watching and i kinda love it now (?). there’s something about Jess. also the killer never being revealed worked wayyyy better than i thought it would. 




    i just have two things to say ...i had known about it for a while and i had heard that the calls coming from inside the house was supposed to be a twist type thing. but we’ve always known that the billy was in the attic since the first kill so i don’t understand how that was a twist at all? then there’s the obvious twist that the killer is still in the house at the end which i thought worked well. 


    the second thing ....i absolutely loveeeeed that they didn’t show Jess killing her boyfriend. with the abortion storyline ....she could’ve killed him just cause she wanted to and not because she thought he was the killer. she could’ve killed him knowing she’d get away with it knowing the situation they were in. literally obsessed

  2. i think it’ll grow on me. but GODDDDDDDD it was so hard to get through and it’s such a short album. i love ari and i don’t wanna be mean but the only thing saving some of these tracks is the fact that she’s an excellent singer. i think there’s something to like about every track but most of them are not as instant for me. just like magic is absolute completely filler though and i kinda h*te that one. shut up and love language are very good and their instrumentals are top tier chefs kiss baby

  3. On 10/29/2020 at 11:05 AM, SlowGinFizzzz said:

    At Home With Kylie Minogue out tomorrow – featuring acoustic versions of Say Something, Magic, and a cover of Troye Sivan's Cool, plus Troye doing backing vocals on all three songs! The way Little Troyesters WON!






    how did i miss this omggggggg


     also not her playing one of the only troye songs i love. kylie just gets IT

  4. what do y’all think the song she does from true romance is gonna be? 


    i keep seeing grins comments. my dreammmmmm is her doing so far away but i doubt it. i just don’t want it to be what i like i want her to do one of the less popular songs 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Comic said:

    I’m gonna have my Angel™️ card revoked but I must say it



    Focus > No Angel

     no it’s true it’s true. although i’ll say the bridge in no angel is kinda very very excellent


    but no angel (sophie version) > focus 

  6. 10 hours ago, AKASAKA SAWAYAMA said:

    Voice sounds like a western song but i cant figure it out....like a song from Dagny maybe? im gonna lose my mind.  h e l p

     sameeeeeeee. like the other person said i immediately thought of false alarm too but i don’t think that’s it. and i thought of dancing with our hands tied by taylor. also physical by dua

  7. 17 minutes ago, Sucker said:

    they absolutely did that with this album. it might be their best yet. the video is 110% their best!!


    the way i’ve heard a lot of people say this. i actually think this is their w*rst video like hands down 

  8. this is weird but does anyone remember what her instagram and twitter bio was before night time my time.


    i was something like “like whatever” or “as if” for a really long time.  i just reminder my tl going crazy that day she changed her bio. 


    if anyone remembers

  9. the picture of her for that guys halloween show UGHHHHHHH IM OBSESSED she’s looks so good. i’ve never seen that pic of her. unless it’s new but i don’t think it is 

  10. i remember y’all being mad that version with actual lyrics didn’t match the mumble version melody ....what was up with that


    ANYWAYS the mumble version is fun 


  11. 1 hour ago, loonatheworld said:

    bye i didn't even last 12 hours LMAO but wow this album is so great i'm so glad i preordered the set


    whats your favorite track? i have the album but i haven’t listened cause i feel bad. maybe ill

    give one track a listen. 

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