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Posts posted by Dum-Dum

  1. ok let me say i’m kinda scared for my concert cause i know everybody is gonna go HARD and sometime i just like to stand there and watch so i’m like mentally preparing myself for the clownery that is gonna take place. and tommy is opening my date and i just know she’s gonna start tommy and everybody is gonna go crazy

  2. seeing the fader interview where she talked about the xcx world leak, i could feel the hurt in her voice talking about it  :ohno:

    it was really sad cause you know she loves that music and when she said that whole time period is tainted now i had no words

  3. i like bursted out laughing when that guy started doing flips. i was like ok that was cool and then he did like twenty more FFFFFD and charli just laying down on the jet ski was kinda funny too

  4. thinking about how Bounce would’ve been a Charli classic if it was released. I remember i tried going to a music festival like four hours away from me just so i could hear Bounce live but the festival got like flooded and it was canceled and now the song is dead

  5. Silver Cross is my least favorite of the new songs... Hopefully it grows on me, I’m not really feeling it

    omg i think this is the song i’ve played most out of the new songs. it sounds like a different take on Roll WIth Me. praying she performs it on tour. i already knows it’s most underrated track on the album

  6. god i love charli .... WHO ELSE was going to make an album like this she really does IT every single time. we have the straight pop songs, experimental classics, and the pc music in the eighties songs literally so next level

  7. i know the albums coming but i still have like the picture in my head of going to apple music on thursday at midnight and it doesn’t pop up and then she has to make the announcement

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