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Posts posted by Dum-Dum

  1. ITZY

    i stan lia and yeji. yeji is so cunty the way she got into that car in the icy video i had no choice but to stan and lia is sooooo cute

  2. someone put a poll on twitter saying who has the best musical chemistry with Charli, Sophie or AG and like my immediate answer is Sophie but like all the emotional songs she’s given us with AG do not compare to any of the Sophie tracks and i feel like comparing XCX World to Pop 2 i wanna say AG. what’s your thoughts ladies

  3. Anyone feel like this album is gonna take Charli to the next level?

    i know we haven’t heard the rest of the album but i just feel like White Mercedes is that hit waiting to happen

  4. this bitch having a listening party. we have more than a fucking month. i’m not gonna be able to stop myself from listening to videos. i just heard a video of Click i can’t do it

  5. :////// i feel bad for her. and i saw some tweets saying someone went on at the stage next to her so you couldn’t even hear her and then not even being able to say bye she probably feels dumb :(

  6. the scene in the music video right when the little crystal noises starts before the last chorus and charli flips her hair to the side ....... academy award. it’s like it turns into a whole different music video for a few seconds it’s soooooo cool

  7. How Can I came on shuffle .... the excellence. imagine her doing that live. i feel like it would fit really well with the songs we have now. UGHHHHH i can only imagine

  8. which songs do you recommend? i really need to expand my music and christine seems interesting

    my friend loves her so ive heard a lot of her songs but the one that has stuck with me is Science Fiction

  9. also i know i trashed the singles but they fit better when listening to the whole album. especially LWYDTM ... i hated it on release but when it came around i was literally yelling the lyrics. UGHHHH ... jillian’s mind. and i like gimme more and i love it after Till Now ... it sounds like Till Now and Gimmie could’ve been one song and Till Now is the intro and the calmer version of Gimme

  10. wait i’m gong through the album right now and it’s kinda excellent. this is the music i think of when i read reviews about her music cause i’ve always seen people call her music dark r&b and i would never describe her music as that but III is very much that i’m literally obsessed. ANYWAYS .... i just finished Hawaiian Mazes and is this song not a career highlight? the EXCELLENCE

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