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Posts posted by ByDayAnother

  1. 14 minutes ago, Xenoblade 2 said:

    Have you seen its streaming numbers? Ocean title track did a lot of damage thankfully she recovered. She’s not in another Chemtrails/BB type flop. A&W will literally save this era.


    The GP is all about first impressions. The first song is so important. They’ve been horrible with it.



    There is no GP. That’s the MO of our current economic model, creating a spectrum of multiplicitous markets that overlap in rhizomatic ways. A million people listening to a song is not a singular entity - it’s a million people who are, in a world of seven billion people, highly likely to not be the same million people to another song.


    Glad you think she’s doing well though, until you won’t. 🤓

  2. 15 minutes ago, Xenoblade 2 said:

    Venice Tank was a bomb. Lana even performed the song live at an Apple event with MILLIONS of people tuning in. Critics loved it but the GP said NO. Mariners, Hope all bombed. That’s what led to Doin Time and the massive gap of her scrambling what to do. Thankfully, Doin Time was a hit.

    Cinnamon Girl and Happiness Is A Butterfly would have been big hits had they been the first tastes of the album with a video. As you can see their streams now. She/her team are terrible at choosing singles.

    LMLYLAW shouldn’t have never been a single. It should’ve stayed as an unknown album track. Tulsa was right there. LMLYLAW soured the GP so much even the excellence of Chemtrails (song) can’t be pushed through the flop of the first song.


    And the way they ignored Dealer smashery has been shocking. 

    Imo, it was a huge mistake releasing the title track as a single. https://twitter.com/TheMemesArchive/status/1544440922590642177/video/1

    Imagine if we heard A&W first from this album. Oh, the massive collapse. A&W is definitely her most instant single in long long while.

     An instant single four minutes into a seven minute song with un-hearable lyrics about r*pe? I dig the song but girl, up your trolling game 😂 

  3. 1 minute ago, DCooper said:

    The vocal mixing is obviously deliberate, she's like a drunk girl sharing her secrets at a party and you don't catch everything that she says at first, but repeated listens reveal more and more and then you're just like holy shit...

    👏🏻 in 👏🏻 ten 👏🏻 tion 👏🏻 ality 👏🏻 


    I don’t understand how people can listen to Lana this late in the game and be like “but why is it like that” lol

  4. Very cool. I am somehow officially intrigued as if I wasn’t before. 


    I’m actually at peace with that I won’t listen to it again until the album. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, it’s just it’s immediately obvious to me that this album is going to be sweeping, grand, and detailed, and to be listened to as a body of work.

    I have a feeling it’ll make more sense then, not that it didn’t this time, it just wasn’t as immediate as TUOB (not to mention I had spoiled myself with the descriptions), which I’m fine with. I want this album to grow on me with time as much as in the moment. Excited!

  5. 41 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

    the lack of punctuation of the album title still irks me :awkney: i actually really love the sentence case because it is a sentence, and the Blvd abbreviation is quirky and cute, but whyyyy on earth didn’t she put a question mark at the end and call it Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd? :defeated: especially considering the random and unnecessary exclamation point in NFR’s title

    It more accurately reflects the contemporary vernacular.


    Imagine getting a random text from your best friend:


    ”Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd”


    This generally contextualises her more stream of consciousness style of writing in recent albums (which is a modernist style of writing, modernist as in the first half of the 20th century and the end of the 19th century) with more contemporary imagery (a quite post-modern M.O.) and sensibilities, which is what she’s been doing all along really, she’s just making it more and more her own.


    Grammatically, if not rhetorically, it can also function more as a statement than a question. You ask a question, but you also pose a question, as in, sometimes it’s not a literal inquiry, but rather a sort of stance (quite literally a rhetorical question). I text someone I miss a random question about something, not because I actually want to know, but I want an excuse to talk to them, or Hell, confront them.


    I’m a language nerd lol

  6. What I don’t understand is pushing a release date back because a handful of people guaranteed to swamp to its release anyway find out about it (not that we know for sure that this is the case, buuut). Are these things not at least conceivably strategised ahead of time with a lowest common denomination of expected performance? Should these not be conservative so as to reflect that performance? And if so, again, why fuck with that?


    again, maybe this is not the case, my question is just as much doubt about it being pushed back as much as me being confused if it is pushed back.


    low-key, I’m mad I stumbled across the A&W spoilers, I’m not as excited now that I know it’s structure. I could still love it, but I won’t be surprised. Weh.

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