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Posts posted by pussycat

  1. i literally logged in to talk about this lmfao idk but ive been looking all over to see if her makeup artist had mentioned anything at all about her lashes. but no nothing, theyre short with wise and thick, i think she may double them up sometimes the lash im particularly looking for is the one where she wore the white dress and white cardigan and shes looking down 

  2. Why aren't all the dates being announced all at once? What kind of a tour announcement is this lol

    I'm not complaining--looks like a spring US tour, summer Euro tour, so that's awesome.

    But one date a day is rly different...at least that I've seen.


    its v annoying

  3. im wondering the same thing. everyone on twitter seems to have the passcode. i signed up for her mailing list a long time ago and didnt get anything :$


    if any fans could help out a fellow fan that'd be awesome!! shoot me a PM and karma will be kind to you :P


    pussycat - if i find out anything i'll let you know. :D

    thank u my dear :*

  4. is there any chance at all she might release it in a few more cities but just not go to them? 


    like she said 'premiers' so maybe she will release it in more places around the world, but they won't just be premiers


    it just seems weird to say 'a city near you' and then only show it in 2 cities 



    eg. ~Australia~  :raven:

    How do u know she's only showing in 2 cities? Sorry I didn't get the update and I'm confused :(

  5. I know everyone has said it but I literally cant wait for artpop! I have a feeling its gonna slay <3 and I love my blondie gaga but she looks great w the brown honestly shes just so teeny n cute she looks great w everything. My fave looks have been the minimalistic ones like the one in ny recently w the skater skirt n bra? I think it was , I loved it<3  I wasnt really into pop music before gaga like only beyonce, she really opened my mind to lots of things

  6. im not listening to new leaks bc im not tryna ruin the album for myself. If I didnt go to that preview night thing I wouldnt have listened to ride either bc I just love to listen to albums in their entirety and really soak it in, plus it is pretty rude simply bc shes actually planning on releasing something 

  7. The internet is not destroying the element of surprise enough, we need more. Where’s the video treatment and the storyboards? Fuck it, can we get some of the dailies? This guessing game is not going to cut it. I need to put my Google glasses on and activate the internet chip underneath my skin.   


    Also, just a heads up here. If you want to make some extra cash, listen up, i’m feeling philanthropic. I will be giving out $100 to each and every forum member who, upon this video being released in its final form, refrains from making a post about how:


    -The video is flawless.

    -The video is epic. 

    -The video is the most (anything) you’ve ever seen in your entire life. 

    -You are dying.

    -You are are crying. 

    -You can’t breathe. 

    -You have been slayed.

    -You need someone to hold you. 

    -Lana looks flawless.

    -Lana looks perfect.

    -Lana looks fat. 

    -Lana needs to lose weight.

    -Lana needs to tone her abs. 

    -Stripping represents the loss of innocence.



    WhaTs great about this is you're gonna save a lot of mONEY! $$$$$$$$€£¥¥¥!

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