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Posts posted by pussycat

  1. Not directed at you, but just a general statement: I don't know why people always use that photo to show how ~full-figured~ Marilyn was. She was pregnant in that photo. Besides, she was a petite woman in reality. :creep: Also, not here for the Blue Jeans hate.  :(  :ohno:  :defeated:

    dude I know lol marilyn was so teeny tiny it's not like sizes matter bc tbh they frickin don't but she was not plus size in any sense of the word she just gets labeled like that so often! Weird :)

  2. it was a guy that answered; he sounded older and was like 'caaaandy cat' lol 


    i asked if there was a musician there filming a video yesterday? he said yes, and i asked if she would be back again and he said no, she was only there yesterday. then i asked if he knew what song she was filming for, or had any other information about the shoot, and he said no, but the owners might


    someone call back and ask to speak to the owner! or one of the strippers! lmao maybe i will later when i feel like less of a creeper. or get drunk. whichever comes first

    all I see is old people in there tbh lol 

  3. Never. :toofunny: I haven't even heard of it until now.

    oh my gosh! well it was like a skit show that amanda had and she was really hilarious I remember watching it and loving it a lot. Along with "all that" both of those shows were skit type of shows I guess like a saturday night live type thing. Do you know the show Drake and Josh? they both came from the amanda show. It was a pretty talented group of kids 

  4. At the risk of coming off as a (pop-)culturally-isolated outcast, I have to admit that I didn't even know who Amanda Byes was until two minutes ago and that this is first time she's been brought to my attention. I have no idea what she's about or whatever.


    Same goes for Justin Bieber. Yes, I know who he is but except some random information there is nothing I know about him. I don't recall ever listening to a song of his consciously in its entirety. Not my cup of tea whatsoever. 


    Since this topic seems to be discussing their "fall," I have to point out to that I didn't even observe something like a "rise" of them. Basically, I really don't care about... those kind of things. But it always surprises me when those kind of things pop up on my horizon... :toofunny: So much for that.


    Now go judge me.


    you never watched the amanda show? 


    amanda pls 

  5. No offense, but it drives me crazy when people talk about "taxes" and the death penalty.. look up how much the death penalty costs and how much it costs to house a prisoner for life..the latter is substantially less.  


    Torturing violates 8th amendment cruel & unusual punishment- death, of course, does as well but the U.S. overlooks that..matter of convenience when it comes to staying faithful to the BOR. 


    Justice comes in the form of a life term- he'll never have a family of his own, he'll never travel, etc. His life is over. Read up on max security prisons- it isn't a cakewalk.  Hell on earth and not good for a young boy like him (the term 'fish' comes to mind)  (btw, not saying he shouldn't be in prison cos his sentence was 100% appropriate imo)


    I did know it costs a lot but I didn't know it was less than a life sentence. Good to know. Is it all the trials that add up? Surely it can't be the actual process?

  6. I don't know much about this, but I will share my opinion on a death penalty.

    A death penalty shouldn't be allowed because it is less suffering than actually being in prison their whole life. I do agree that it is bad enough that this man took the lives of children, but the police officer who has to kill the killer will feel guilty all his life (most likely) and in my opinion, if I was a police officer who had to do that, I would feel sincerely depressed for a while and it will always be at the back of my mind. I think killing a few people is bad enough, but there is no need to take another life for the sake of that.

    He should live to a very old age in prison, with the basic human rights.

    I don't get why he would turn up in court like that. What a mess. And the cheek he has to laugh. I repeat, I don't know much about this. He could of been civil about it, and at least apologize and turn up in appropriate clothing.


    *I like to rant about stuff so I will stop here as I will end up talking about his parents and gun laws*

    I believe its a medical professional doing it...I could be wrong but I'm almost positive 


    Do you think he will ever regret what he did? Even while growing old in prison? 

    I doubt the families of the victims care if he regrets it, I also doubt it. 


    It devalues life. I also believe that the death penalty is an easy way out, a life sentence is harder.

    First off, I wanna say I like your point of view and I am learning from your posts. But, it takes a lot of money to keep someone in jail. Tax payers money. The truth is, these types of human beings can not be rehabilitated to function in society the way you or I can. The bottom line is that they are too dangerous and too much liability. And in a case like this, I support the death penalty.

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