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Everything posted by Noam

  1. PLEASE LIKE THIS https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204161362307926&set=o.724823614304634&type=1
  2. I don't know about the snapchat help us guys!! I do know that the listening party will start in 8 hours
  3. Ok this listening party better end up good for those who don't live in the U.S.
  4. Will you wait for a HQ leak? Or you'd be fine with a low quality one
  5. Yeah I knowOf course not the whole video was shot with iPhone Just the parts where she looks like in the cover
  6. Has anyone noticed that when she's in the car and the camera gets close to her you can see on the windows of the car that the video was shot by an iPhone This is really cool. I am not kidding
  7. Of course it doesn't sound the same, it just reminds me of the feels I get from BTD I love UV more than BTD tho so I'm not that kind of "BRING THE BOPS BACK LANA" fan, because UV is full of bops
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